S A K Garden

Liz Scott- Stephanie Alexander Garden Specialist
Term 1 in The PATCH
WOW what a term we have had. The children appear to have thoroughly enjoyed The Patch.
We have had a great deal of success with our produce. We have talked about the cost of organic produce and what does organic mean? We have learnt how to use the scales weighing our produce.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers, not only do I enjoy having you, your children benefit from the uninterrupted time they have with you. We think you are awesome.
Each week the chickens come out into garden with us. They scratch around and it’s a nice opportunity for the children to get close and handle them. Each Thursday, eggs are collected dated and weighed. Our largest egg for Term One recorded was 82grams and the smallest weighed in at 51grams.
Over the term we have harvested the following:
Zuchinni 52.5kg @ $9.90kg =$519
Salad leaves 24 cups @ $35
Cucumber 35 @ $3each =$105
Tomatoes 4.5kg @ $5kg = $22.50
Spring Onion 35 @ $3 bunch = $21
Beans 1.6kg @ $9.99kg = $16
Eggplant 10 @ $8.90kg =$89
Radish 15 @ $1.50 each = $22.50
Corn 10 @$2.55 each = $25.50
Kale 3 bunches @$5.50 bunch = $16.50
Capsicum 6 @ $4 each = $24
Kongo potatoes 5.9kg @ $10kg = $59
Pumpkin 4@ 14.4kg @ $3.50 kg =$50.40
In total our organic produce grown came in at a value of $925.40. We used all of our produce in the kitchen except our excess of zucchini and a few cucumbers. Thank you to the families who supported our market stalls by purchasing our excess produce.