
Aaron Cox
The end of Term 1 has come around extremely quickly. In my opinion we have had a solid start to the year. Children have settled quickly, teachers have been developing authentic relationships with their students and the school has been focusing on ‘where to next?’. With our intention to become an even better school, our Professional Learning Communities work with Ms Verity Sheppard have started. A full School Council has been elcted, maintenance works have been completed and future plans and opportunities are being investigated and developed.
Kingswood will not be a school that maintains the status quo and we will always strive to find a way to improve. If we can’t do that ourselves, how could we possibly expect students to do it?
The school fundraising levy for ground improvement will be released Week 1 Term 2. I implore all families to support the school to the extent that they can. It is through these fund-raising efforts that Kingswood raises the funds to provide infrastructure for your child. We are all reaping the benefits of past parent donations. Let’s try to ensure we leave something for the future generations, although we anticipate all children will benefit from this year’s initiative. Further details will be available soon.
School will return after Easter Monday. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday. Enjoy your holidays, play outside as often as possible, create games, set rules, for it is really through social play that children learn resilience and how to negotiate in complex situations.
Happy vacation everyone.