Coral Community


Wow! What a year 2019 has been in Coral! We can’t believe it is already time to start looking back on all the incredible achievements and successes we’ve had this year, and looking forward to farewelling our Year 6 students as they head off to high school next year. For the Year 5 students we say goodbye for this year and wish them all the best as they head into their new classes in 2020 and start their final year of primary school.

This year has certainly been action packed, especially in Term 4. Just in this term alone we have had events such as Camp, Non-Campers programs, Transition, Halloween, Curriculum Days and the Colour Run. This is not to mention the important events we still have coming up including Leadership excursion to Adventure Park, Year 6 Graduation and the 3-6 Concert.

The Colour Run once again saw a rainbow of powder and a sea of smiling faces out on the school oval. The students had such a blast running or walking around the track and engaging with the different obstacles, with favourites being the teacher water target throw and of course the water/powder station which left students covered head to toe in a range of colours.

Camp was an exciting time for everyone who attended and despite some crazy weather all the students participated in a variety of activities including the Giant Swing, Mountain Biking, Hut Building, Initiatives and a Beach Walk. The Coral students showed excellent team work and collaboration when completing activities with their groups.

It has been a fantastic year in Coral this year and the teachers are going to be sad to say goodbye to everyone. We would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holidays and we our Year 6 students won’t be strangers and will continue to pop in and see us next year. We are looking forward to seeing our Year 5s around TSPS next year.


- Courtney, Heather and Sue