Principal's Message
Three more weeks to go and so much to do!
I can’t believe I have been back from China a month already. School is abuzz with exciting programs such as Swimming for our P-2 students and Bike Education for our 3-4 students all beginning in Week Nine. There is a feeling that the end of our school year is fast approaching. The past four weeks again have been filled with student learning, assessment and events. On November 11th , the school came together to commemorate Remembrance Day. Our student leaders led this solemn assembly and we recognised the brave actions of fallen heroes and the sacrifice they made so we could live in freedom in this wonderful country of ours.
Our 5/6 students had a wonderful time at Anglesea for their camp this year. Well done to all staff members who attended and supported these students as part of this experience.
Last week we held the Colour Dash. Another spectacular event with lots of colour and fun. The donations have been coming in and I will have a confirmed total for funds raised in my last newsletter to the community for 2019 in a few weeks' time. Thank you all for getting on board and supporting this fundraiser. The money raised is always returned to the school through the purchase of resources and equipment for our students.
I am so proud of our students and their desire to support their community. This week their focus was a national one- considering the plight of our farmers during the horrendous drought conditions they are experiencing. The students have really come to understand and appreciate the importance of the work our farmers carry out for us- from farm to food on the table. On Friday the student leaders organised a "Fight for Our Farmers" dress up day and a for a gold coin donation students came along dressed as farmers, farm animals, scarecrows and other farm themed characters. So did the teachers. In their classrooms. The money donated will go directly to farmers.
One final word about our China trip. In this newsletter there are two reports about our adventures. One is from Yuanbin, Alexander, Naomi and Shaian (teacher and students) and the other is written by Zeena Reza, one of our parents who accompanied her son on this family trip.
A wonderful experience. Hopefully it might entice a few more families when we organise our next China Trip in two years' time.
Planning for 2020
The work of preparing for a smooth transition and start to 2020 continues in earnest. Panels have interviewed for new colleagues as we prepare to staff classes and education support personnel for 2020. Next year's Prep students and their families have completed two twilight transition sessions earlier this month. These sessions were well attended and it was wonderful to meet many of our parents who are new to the world of primary school. I thank the many teachers who remained for these sessions and supported the families in feeling connected and welcome.
For our Year 6 students, primary school life is quickly approaching its end. They will be involved in secondary school transition programs. Different schools have different dates for when this occurs. For our Year 6 families, please ensure you know which dates these transition/ step up days will be held. For all our Year P-5 students who will be returning to TSPS in 2020, we will be having our Step Up day on December 19th. Also on this day, we are inviting new staff members who will be joining us in 2020, to come along for an Induction and Meet and Greet day with the students and TSPS colleagues
Important dates for 2020
As well as the dates outlined in the dates section of this newsletter there are some long term important ones to pencil into your diaries for 2020.
Jan 28- First term begins. This is for staff members ONLY.
Student free day No 1
Jan 29- All Year 1-6 students begin
Jan 30- All new Prep students begin school for the first time (staggered
All throughout February, Preps will not attend school on Wednesdays. - Teachers will carry out individual assessments via prior arrangement
February 2nd- Meet and Greet Parents and Teachers (Dates to be confirmed).
June 23rd- Student Free Day No 2 - Reporting to Parents Day
Aug 14th - Student Free Day No3 -Curriculum Day
Nov 2nd - Student Free Day 4 - Curriculum Day (Melbourne Cup Eve)
These dates have been endorsed by School Council. Please note carefully.
Family Picnic Lunch December 19
This year we will be holding our End of Year Family Picnic on December 19th. A big day indeed at TSPS. Families are invited to come along between 11.15am and 12 midday to have lunch with their children. Weather permitting we will come together out on the Agora. Families can bring along picnic food, lunches and special treats for their children. After this picnic students will have their Step Up Transition session where they will meet their new teachers and classmates for 2020. Students must remain at school for this event.
The canteen will be taking orders for lunches if families wish to do so for the Family Picnic. On the day of the picnic there will be some limited stocks available for sale over the counter but if you wish to have food prepared by the canteen you will need to place your orders by Monday 16th December. This can be done either on line through the canteen’s QuickCliq link or via lunch orders in your children’s community lunch boxes. Pauline, our canteen manager, will send out full details this week as to what is on offer, costs and how to place orders through the canteen. Look out for this information via Compass / Facebook. If you have any questions regarding this event Pauline can be contacted via our office contact- 92961800.
The canteen will also be open before and after our End of School concert events (Monday 16 & Tuesday 17 December) for over the counter sales only.
Please Note that food and drink is not to be consumed in the gym during performance time.
End of Year Events
*****Please note: Early dismissal last day of term Friday December 20 12.30pm. This will be preceded by our final whole school assembly where we will do our final farewells for students and teachers leaving us at the end of this year.*******
Year 6 Graduation December 18: Our Year 6 students will be farewelled and congratulated with families, staff and friends. I thank the Year 6 teachers for their preparation of this event. Sarah Connolly, MP for Tarneit (State Parliament) is due to present the Female Leadership award to one of our Year 6 students. There will also be the presentation of the Julia Gillard Leadership Award (from Jo Ryan's office- MP for Lalor, Federal Parliament)
End of Year Concerts: This year we will host two end of year concerts, each with two performance times on offer (a matinee and evening show). It is a wonderful way to celebrate an amazing year and it is important as an audience that we stay for the whole performance and not just for our own child's item. Our students have been rehearsing so hard and they are raring to share their performances with you. I am looking forward to seeing as many families as we can at the events to celebrate our beautiful children. Details will follow shortly but the dates to set aside are as follows:
3-6- Mon 16 December : Matinee @ 1-2.30pm & Evening @5.30-7pm
P-2 Tues 17 December : Matinee @ 1-2.30pm & Evening @5.30-7pm
Thank you
In my final newsletter in a few weeks, I will acknowledge our teaching colleagues who will not be returning for 2020. There are a number of reasons including family leave and new positions in different schools. As well as our Year 6 students, we will also be farewelling a number of students whose families are leaving the school's zone. To them all I say thank you for being part of TSPS and for being supportive of and engaging in the work we do in providing all children with the best possible education. Thank you for leaving your mark on and contributing to the fabric that is TSPS. My heartfelt gratitude to all our wonderful parents who support their children in the great learning experiences we offer at TSPS. The home school partnership is an integral part in effectively supporting all students to achieve their learning outcomes in doing their personal best. I especially want to thank the members of 2019 School Council, led by Rhonda Velkovski as the chairperson. To Alex Tardif, Priyanka Bajpai, Meenakshi Singh, Magan Bhardwaj, Wade Green, David Gibilisco, Misty Palmer, Michael Gerber, Shirley Lamb, Ange Demeca and Heather Johnson (Finance and minute taker) thank you for your commitment and generosity of spirit and time as volunteers in this role.
Speaking of volunteers, on Wednesday November 27th we celebrated the wonderful work carried out by our Parent Helpers this year with a special morning tea. Again, these people offer their time voluntarily and provide great support to our students and teachers and it is greatly appreciated. Ed Connect will host a celebratory morning tea this Friday December 6, for its volunteers who also support not only our students, but students in a number of local schools. Thank you, too!
To all those who will be with us in 2020, thank you for your continued support, belief, confidence and trust in the work we do.
Looking forward to seeing you all at our up and coming events.
Yours in Education
Linda Danese