Student Wellbeing

Frank Walker along with his wife, ­Rhonda, has founded the Family Peace Foundation to help bring  about  a “peaceful upbringing for every Australian child”, a goal which has ­become his driving force and life’s work.    

The Family Peace Foundation’s core belief is that every child in our society has a basic human right to be raised in a peaceful home environment. The aim is to have more peaceful homes, workplaces and communities, leading to a safe and more productive Australian society.  


The Foundation aims to strengthen families by offering research-based education on reducing family conflict and improving relationships, delivered via commercial radio announcements.

You may have heard these announcements or seen the video clips featuring Michael Carr-Gregg and Sabina Read recently.

In this term’s Week 2 Newsletter, Mr. Millar’s Principal Report made reference to the power of family rituals and that spending 8 minutes a day of quality time strengthens families. He also added the video clip from the Family Peace Foundation.

I encourage you to take the time to view their website as it has many valuable messages and activities for us to use with our families.

I have included another of their family activities for you to practise with your family:


3 Good Things  

At the end of every day, take a moment to ask yourself and every family member

“what 3 things went well today and why?”

Helping children learn to notice the good things in their lives is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give them.

Building resistance against the negativity we’re exposed to in the world will benefit your children throughout their entire lives. Studies have shown that a ‘glass half full’ approach lessens health complaints, increases the ability to overcome setbacks, reduces the focus on material goods and increases contentment. Learning to notice 3 good things each day has the power to transform lives for the better.



• Every night – think back over the day and remember 3 good things that happened or that you’re grateful for.

• Write them in your phone or notebook.

• Think about why they’re good or why you’re grateful.

• Look back after 1 week. How does it feel?

• Keep it up  


Julianne Price

Student Wellbeing /Student Services Leader
