Pastoral Care News

Welcome back to what will be another busy term at MCC. This term, the major activity for the C.A.T is to collect identified donations from each year group as well as staff and assemble our “I Care Kits” which include the basic necessities a person may need if they suddenly find themselves at risk of, or homeless. They contain a range of personal hygiene products, a towel, a notepad, pen, bottle of water and a hand written letter of encouragement ensuring the recipient that someone does; indeed care.

The kits will be donated to “Linking Communities Network” which operate the “Women’s Refuge” as well as “Youth Links” who will distribute to those in need within our local community. The feedback we get regarding the kits is that whilst the recipient is always grateful for the gift, it is the letter that has the greatest impact and many find reassurance and comfort in the words that are written.


In the next newsletter we will include a list of the items we are hoping to collect as part of this activity. They can be purchased at any supermarket or discount store, or may even be found in your cupboard at home. Simple things like a tooth brush, cake of soap, face washer or a bottle of shampoo. Each kit contains the same items to maintain uniformity and any surplus goods are boxed up and given to the service and distributed as per need.


This week as we settle back into the routine of school life; I have heard wonderful stories and witnessed many people showing that they care; by providing assistance and support to others and expecting nothing in return. Our clothing pool continues to be receiving donations and whilst choice of sizes may be limited, we are providing assistance on a daily basis. The water bottle recycle programs has grown to the point that we need a roster of students to empty collect bins and may need additional baskets around school. At short notice staff have volunteered to donate and assist in organising our own “Biggest Morning Tea” in the near future, to raise vital funds to help fight the battle against cancer and last week many students and our TAS staff gave up their valuable free time to cook for CAREVAN.


Earlier this week we were made aware of the tragic passing of a little boy within our Griffith community. As a result I was approached by some kind year 10 students who wanted to offer the family support and are to be commended for considering the needs of others and for thinking how they could reduce their heavy burden at this sad time. This is a wonderful example of demonstrating core elements of our MCC Vision; care and service.  Following the teachings of SEE, THINK and DO they are responding appropriately with compassion to their community. We hope to conduct an activity during a lunchtime next week or at the athletics carnival (tbc) and all funds raised will be given to the family.

Finally, I hope that all Mothers, Grand Mothers “Fur” Mothers and “Other” Mothers have a wonder day on Sunday spent with those that you love.


Stay warm and stay safe

Regards Sue Hone (Pastoral Care Worker