Junior School Learning


We welcome Ms Dickson to our Junior School team for the first 4 Weeks of Term 3, while Mr Lindsay is enjoying his long service leave in Europe.


This term the Prep/1’s are experimenting with different types of writing such as procedural writing, poetry and imaginative narratives! In maths we are consolidating our understanding of addition and heading towards subtraction.


We have started the term with some new Perceptual Motor Programme  (PMP) activities to challenge and build student balance, strength and stamina.  Alice and Rhiana, Occupation Therapist students from Deakin University will be observing and suggesting ongoing PMP activities. 



Our Inquiry unit is called “View and Create, Being and Artist is Great!”  Students will be learning about the different types of arts including visual arts, dance, drama, music and media arts.  During our Buddies session this week the 5/6’s taught the Prep/1’s about different music genres.  This tied in well with our Inquiry unit as the students had to use media art to display a poster of their favourite music.

Moon Walk - 50 Year Anniversary

Students had a chance to watch footage of the first moon walk and reflect back on how important this significant event was and still is to this day.  This conversation inspired some great visual art work.

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

On Wednesday in Week 2, we will be starting the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program where the students will spend a 4 week block in the kitchen and a 4 week block in the garden. Volunteer parent support is more than welcome in either the kitchen or garden. A Working With Children Check is required. 

For more information, please see the attached note.

Junior School Swimming Program

Monday 29th July to Friday 9 August

Please look under the 'Office Reminders' tab for more details.