Community Events

Annual Toucan Food Appeal

Monday 5th - Friday 23rd August

Think outside the can!

The Geelong Food Relief Centre has been providing Emergency Food to those in need for 29 years. Working in conjunction with welfare agencies, this year we will see 37,000 individuals referred to Geelong Food Relief Centre’s for Emergency Food Relief.


Our school is one of 80 schools throughout Geelong and the surrounding region, who every year assist us in making our service possible.


Items listed below form some of the basic food items most families choose. Please place any items you wish to donate in the box located in the office foyer.

Cereal, cake mix, spreads, dry pasta, canned soups, canned tuna, noodles, rice, tea/coffee, cling wrap/foil, shampoo/conditioner.

Of course, all donations whether cans, boxes or packets are always gratefully appreciated.  All donations will make a significant difference to someone living within our community.


Group Parent Education Events

Barwon South Western Region

Term 3, 2019