Principal's Message

Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families,



Celebrating our First 100 Days of School! 


100 Days Celebration Packs
100 Days Celebration Packs

What a spectacular day for our wonderful Foundation students who are celebrating a massive 100 DAYS OF SCHOOL today!!! This is a once in a lifetime milestone at the beginning of their start to school and perhaps even more special and unique given our current circumstances.


Yesterday, on the eve of this very special day, our Foundation students all received a personal visit by their amazing teachers and were provided with a 'celebration in a bag' to celebrate their extraordinary day. Aren’t our teachers simply remarkable!


The celebration bag included a special Maramba 100 Days of School t-shirt, a party hat and accessories and party snacks to see them through the day. This morning the celebrations started together via WebEx with all Foundation students wearing their t-shirts and opening their party bags. Throughout the day, the party will continue remotely with various planned activities and dancing. 


We know they will all have a spectacular day! 


Our amazing Foundation teachers!
Our amazing Foundation teachers!

Of course, none of this would have been possible without our amazing Foundation team – Ms B, Mrs L and Catherine. They have planned the day perfectly putting everything together to make this day a special one for our Foundation students. The added personal touch of delivering the packs to the students is simply above and beyond expectations. It is the special moments like these that makes me even more exceptionally proud as a Principal of our staff and community!


A very special THANK YOU to our incredible Foundation team!


It was absolutely amazing to see all of our Foundation students happy and smiling faces online today – priceless!   



Human Literacy School Community

As a Human Literacy School Community, everyone’s wellbeing is important to us. We understand the challenges our families and students are facing at this time and are doing all we can to ensure you are all safe, well and continuing your learning no matter where you are. 


Human Literacy goes beyond social and emotional learning. It harnesses the importance of a values based education, promotes safety (including Cyber safety), nurtures a growth mindset, and supports students to be innovative thinkers and actioneers. Human Literacy consists of 5 key elements: Social, Physical, Intellectual, Cultural and Emotional (known as the S.P.I.C.E.® elements).   


To continue our commitment to supporting our community’s wellbeing, here are some links and ideas to help families using our holistic Human Literacy elements:


Social Wellbeing

Communicating well with children:


Physical Wellbeing

School Age Sleep:


Intellectual Wellbeing

Laughing and Learning for young minds:


Cultural Wellbeing 

Pep Talk Kid President:


Emotional Wellbeing 

10 ways to reduce stress:




Wellbeing Wednesday’s Success


Last week’s Wellbeing Wednesday saw students and families engage in a range of fun activities. In this week’s newsletter, we are able to share some of the brilliant creations and innovations from the day. 


Here is a couple of awesome examples, created by our students.


Take care and stay safe!


Kind regards,


Darren Wallace
