From the Students.

The tooth fairy has lost a tooth.

Year 3 - Tooth Detectives.

Year 3 students have discovered a tooth in the school grounds and embarked upon a mission to discover the owner. Undeterred by the abundance of students with gappy smiles they have placed posters like the one above looking for the owner.

If you or the tooth fairy dropped this tooth you know who to ask.

Year 1 -Tiny Towns.

This week, our Year 1 students had to plan and create a building or a landmark for their class tiny town. Over the semester, they were studying what makes a community, the groups they belong to and the activities they participate in. Students created a variety of buildings and businesses ranging from Tid's and Tod's Antique Shop, emergency services, local supermarkets and shops, playgrounds, parks and businesses owned by their parents. We saw some future architects and builders in the making. The Year 1 teachers are extremely proud of their creativity and innovations.

Yr 6 - Seven Wonders of the World in 3D.

These are just some of the student models of buildings representing (Seven Wonders of the World) wonders from around the world that year 6s have been exploring. 


This was based on 3D Shape and Angles unit of work they have been exploring in Maths. The 6s have enjoyed being able to collaborate after the lock down period. 


Click the arrow to move to the next picture.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - Tianzhe, Angela and Ivanka
White House – Raymond, Long and Aston
Golden Gate Bridge – Hannah and Poppy
Hollywood sign – Marcus, Finn and Georgios
Pyramid – Maeve and Anita
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - Tianzhe, Angela and Ivanka
White House – Raymond, Long and Aston
Golden Gate Bridge – Hannah and Poppy
Hollywood sign – Marcus, Finn and Georgios
Pyramid – Maeve and Anita

Foundation - Pajama Day and Popcorn.

Foundation's Pajama and Popcorn Day celebrating the letter P was a huge success with writing, making, and popcorn or course. The day also involved buddies reading stories using the technology to our youngest students. A little different to everyone being physically together in the one space. Well done Foundation and Buddy Grades.

Year 2 - Egg Laying Animal Projects.

Fantastic dioramas are the culmination of learning about egg laying animals. Each student an expert able to share their knowledge with their peers and teachers. 

Yr 4 - World Record Attempt at Loom Banding.

Lilly, Layla, Connor, Tiffany and Avah (4M) are going for a world record attempt at making the longest loom band. Perhaps they can make it into the Guinness Book of Records.

Yr 5 - Virtual Camping

Sam M (5B) goes virtual camping complete with cooking damper and staying warm by the fire. Well done Sam.