From the Principal

8.55am - the change in driver behaviour is keeping your child(ren) safe.

Welcome to IPS.  



Thank you staff and parents for helping on the gates and corners. 

We couldn't have done this without you.




Everyone needs a chance to let their hair down. This Friday is now Free Dress Friday! 

The students have  said it's not fundraising! Just fun!


We are now coming to the end of a school term that none of us could have anticipated.


From transitioning to remote and flexible learning and then returning to on-site schooling, the entire community has demonstrated remarkable resilience and responsiveness  to the coronavirus pandemic.


Changes that we’ve been through don’t happen without a lot of hard work on everyone's part I’ve been particularly impressed with and grateful for the work of the school's staff who have collaborated with their teaching colleagues  to provide patient support to students with complex needs and to help families through the day to day of this very challenging time.


Sadly, we are not out of the woods yet. The steps that we have put in place will continue to be important, including staggered finish times, continuing to emphasise good hygiene practices, and practicing physical distancing for adults where practicable. 


Given the changing day to day circumstances you can assume that unless you receive a COMPASS announcement from me during the break that our processes for drop off and dismissal will continue.


Hopefully these school holidays allow  all families to take some time for yourselves to have a proper break relax and reset for what will be both an exciting and challenging second half of the year.

Semester 1 Student Reports 

At our school, we value the importance of involving students and their parents/carers in learning. This process includes providing written reports on student learning and levels of achievement. 


While our school has continued to deliver its teaching and learning program and monitor the achievement and progress of each student, there have been some unprecedented changes to our usual teaching and learning program and reporting structure.  


When you receive your child’s end of semester report you will notice significant changes to the format from previous semesters. This is because the Department of Education and Training (DET) has adjusted the expectations of Student Reports for Semester 1 in recognition of the transition to remote and flexible learning during Term 2.   


Your child’s report for this semester includes: 


  • descriptions of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum taught including English, Mathematics, Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education and Italian. 
  • teacher comments regarding student learning achievement, attitude to learning and strengths. 
  • a teacher comment on how the student has adjusted to the remote and flexible learning environment. 


This student report does not include the usual teacher judgements and five-point scale due to the unprecedented changes to our program introduced because of COVID-19. We will report on these aspects at the end of the year. 


We trust that this report gives some important insights into your child’s learning for Semester 1 of 2020 and will provide a focus for discussions with your child’s teacher in Term 3. 


This year has seen unparalleled challenges and changes. I recognise your significant contribution as learning partners during the remote and flexible learning period and I thank you for your valued and continuing support throughout the transition back to onsite schooling. 

Congratulations Mr O'Callaghan.

We have a wonderful staff at Ivanhoe Primary School and today Mr O'Callaghan was recognised by, and received an award from Hon Bruce Atkinson (Legislative Council). The certificate acknowledges Steven for excellent teaching and leadership that has positively impacted on the school community during the COVID lockdown.

His students were justifiably proud of their teacher as this was presented in class. Well done Mr O'Callaghan.

School Disco is something to look forward to.

Wonderful news - the IPS school disco is almost certainly, probably, hopefully, going ahead!  We’re all keeping our fingers crossed that we’ll be able to run the School Disco on Friday September 4th – so pop it in your calendar and cross your fingers with us!


Lance Greenwood (parent) is coordinating the event and will be looking for volunteers to help on the night, stay tuned for more early next term.  Lance's organisational skills are second to none so feel free to contact him if you can assist on

School Review Information and Survey. 

Dear community members,


Every four years, each school undertakes a self-evaluation of the previous four years and engages the whole school community in a reflective analysis of the school’s performance.


A purposeful, high quality self-evaluation makes an important contribution to improving our school and in raising the achievements of learners. 


In the link there are four questions that have been developed by Ivanhoe School Council to clarify and identify those things we do that lead to sustained successful outcomes, and the barriers that may have prevented success.


I hope that you will engage with this opportunity so we can continue to improve. We need to know what we are doing well and what we can do better.


All answers are anonymous and I thank you in advance for participating.


The newly formed Environmental Working Group.

The newly formed Environmental Working Group is now looking for parent members from all backgrounds to join the team.


We are looking for individuals that have a passion for sustainability and the environment who would like to use their skills and interest to support opportunities and projects at IPS.


This working group sits within the Facilities (Buildings and Grounds) Sub Committee, of the School Council and aims to provide another lens to enhance IPS to a greener and a more sustainable future. 


We will aim to meet twice per term, (remotely at this stage) and may be in contact at other times as relevant opportunities present themselves for consideration. Please join us!

For further information, or to confirm your interest in joining please email 

Triple P stands for Positive Parenting Program.

In recognition that families might be doing it tough the Victorian Government has made Triple P Online free to all Victorian Families.


The Victorian Government has funded the online Triple P – Positive Parenting Program providing all Victorian families access to expert parenting advice during these challenging times.  The program is the online version of the Triple P Program that was developed in Australia and successfully implemented around the world.  


"The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program’s simple, practical strategies have been proven to work around the world, helping parents raise happy, confident children; set family routines and rules that everyone can follow; and balance work and family life with less stress."


I located the frequently asked questions page at this link

Canteen closed on Friday 26th June.

The canteen will be closed on Friday the 26th June, therefore no lunches will be able to be ordered. Please make sure your children come to school with food.

OSHC - Reminder to all OSHC families 


Please notify the OSHC program of your booking requirements for Term 3. To operate the Out of School Hours program we need your support. 

Please confirm your bookings either by phone 0417528584 or by email



This term has challenged all of us in different ways. Be kind to yourself, stay safe and see you next term.



Mark Kent
