Reflections and Feedback

Remote Learning Feedback and Reflection from St Anne's community. 


We always say that at St Anne's we work in partnership. We value feedback and everyone's voice which is why we completed many forms of reflection about the last remote learning experience. As a staff we have spent much time reflecting together, we have also gathered feedback from the students and our parents. This gathering of information enabled us to be well informed as we unfortunately enter another phase of learning at home. 


We sincerely thank all the families that took the time to fill in the surveys. We had an overwhelming response and it was wonderful to see the many positive comments shared about the last remote learning phase. 


Staff have made adjustments according to feedback that was received to address some of the issues that caused difficulty or confusion last remote learning.  Things such as platforms used to share work, duration of work, face to face interaction, level of work sent home have all been topics of conversations this week.


Please remember that while changes have been made and many of the positive experiences are continuing there is no perfect model for remote learning as all families and children are different.  The most important thing during these times is that homes are as calm as they can be for families, so to help this be the case please keep communicating with your child's teacher so that we can work together to make sure this happens.