Prep News

100 Days of Prep! 


It was an extremely exciting week for our Preps, as we celebrated our 100th day of school! Although our celebration was a little different this year we still made a huge effort to make our Preps feel special and to celebrate their incredible achievements.  We started off the day with a whole class zoom where our Preps wore wacky dress-ups to the session and we looked at funny photos of what we would look like at 100 years old. 


The Preps had a special envelope filled with activities all relating to the number 100. They made 100 Day glasses, danced the 100 dance, wrote about what life would be like in 100 years, and built something out of 100 objects. To finish off the day each of our Preps received a certificate from their proud teachers and $100! (not real of course).


It was wonderful to see so many families embrace our 100 Days of Prep and celebrate with the Preps at home. We look forward to 100 more days of school!