Parent & Student Matters  

Year 7 Students Making Butter 

What's happening in the College? 

  • Year 7s Making Butter
  • From the History Department

Year 7s Making Butter

Students in Year 7 Technology Mandatory are studying Agriculture and Food Production. One aspect of this is dairy farming.  The boys are learning about how various dairy products are made.  In class they have been making butter and enjoying the magic when cream transforms into butter!  

They tried making it in one of the old-fashioned ways - with a whisk - a lot of mess but great fun.


Ms Frances Doyle - Art and TEC Teacher

From the History Department

Over the past two lunch times, the HSC History Extension students have presented their Major Projects to an appreciative audience of teachers and students. The fourteen boys are to be commended on their engagement with the research and writing based on their original question. Ranging from controversial contemporary figures such as Pablo Escobar and Kurt Cobain to Irish history, US military history and many more interesting topics, the students were able to report on their journey and what they learned. Their project contributes to a large part of their internal assessment mark for this course and is the result of hours of work. Thanks to Mrs Keighery for promoting the presentations, to the staff and students who attended and to the HSC Extension class who have produced these projects.


Mr P Rodgers - History/Legal Studies Coordinator