Around the College

Year 12 Theatre Studies

Year 12 Theatre Studies presents Ruby Moon. This Absurdist and Surrealist play is set in the picture perfect Flaming Tree Grove. Ruby Moon tells the story of Ray and Sylvie, who are a couple trying to cope with the disappearance of their young daughter, Ruby, who went missing on the way to visit her Grandma at the end of the cul-de-sac. Ruby Moon is a psychological thriller that explores the human condition of grief and love. 



Survey - Catholic School Parents Victoria

Catholic School Parents Victoria, invite you to complete the following Remote Learning Family Survey. The survey is designed specifically for parents/carers to provide feedback on your experiences during remote learning at home during Term 2, 2020.


Your valued feedback will provide Catholic School Parents Victoria and the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Sale with information to form future discussions and sharing of parent perspectives with key decision makers.


Your feedback is valuable to inform us of the impact on student learning and wellbeing as well as the strengthening of relationships and learning between home and school.


Click on the link to complete the 10-minute survey by Wednesday 12 August 2020:



Write Now Competition