Google Classroom

How to log onto Google Classroom
How do I know what my Google Classroom code?
Students still have access to their Google Classrooms from Semester One. For those students who have joined new classes this semester, they will receive an email invitation from their teacher to join these new classes.
What is a Google Classroom?
If you are unsure about what these Google Classrooms look like, and how they work, please encourage your child to show you. Please also find below a link to a YouTube video which explains how Google Classrooms work.
How can I get ICT support?
Our school ICT Technicians will continue to work during school hours throughout the term. Please contact our school Reception (5479 1111) if your child requires ICT support or emaIL the school
How can I support learning from home?
It will be essential that students maintain healthy sleep patterns, continue to complete their school work during school hours and engage in daily physical activity. I encourage families to read the valuable advice and information from the DET’s “Learning from Home” website:
The CSC Wellbeing Webpage is another important resource I urge students and parents to access. This webpage is available via our CSC website (under the “School Life” menu) or via the following link: