Borrowing CSC Laptops & Uniform

Please share these reminders with your children
Laptop Borrowing Process
In the event students are not able to bring their device to school, the College process for borrowing laptops.
- Students can borrow a CSC laptop on an individual basis (similar to borrowing a library book).
- Students must borrow before 9am, and return at recess, lunchtime or after-school. Students arriving late must obtain a ‘late pass’ from the Reception to borrow a device.
- Laptops regularly and ensure laptops are cleaned thoroughly in response to CoVid 19 DET recommendations.
- All CSC laptops are stored in the library.
Uniform Expectations
At CSC we have high expectations of students in all aspects of school life, which begins with their attire. We acknowledge that sometimes students may need to be out of uniform, therefore the following process will be applied.
- Students should make their way to Administration Office before 9am, where they will be provided with the correct uniform or given a pass if uniform is unavailable. Students should have a note from home explaining why they are not wearing uniform.
- Students arriving late, who are out of uniform, should follow the same process, showing their late pass to Administration.
- Any student arriving at mentor or class time out of uniform and who doesn’t have a pass, will have this logged on XUNO as an incident “Out of Uniform.” An automated SMS will be sent to their family.
- Students can only get one incident per day.
- Students who have accumulated 3 uniform incidents will be required to complete a lunchtime duty. A list of students that are required to attend a duty will be added to the XUNO news feed each week. After completing a lunchtime duty the student will have 3 entries removed from their record.
- The Assistant Principal will conduct the lunchtime duty the first half of lunch every Friday. Students should meet at Assistant Principals office.
- Students who fail to attend their lunchtime duty and then reach 5 XUNO entries will be required to complete an internal suspension.
At CSC we understand that some families may require support with uniform. Therefore, we ask that families contact the College’s Wellbeing Team or the student’s Mentor Teacher to identify what support the College can provide.