Principal Paul Frye
Principal’s Message
I extend my thoughts, best wishes and ongoing offers of support to all CSC students and their families as we continue to face the challenges of Covid-19, lockdown restrictions and remote learning. I am especially grateful for the efforts of our students’ parents and carers as they strive to provide the best possible support for their children during remote learning. This is not an easy task!
Over the course of the two periods of remote learning I have tried to provide regular email updates to families. If you think you might have missed any of these updates, please refer to our website which contains a record of this information. Once again, I also remind our school community about the special Covid-19 Wellbeing Support page available through our website, and directly via this link:
Despite the pandemic, the final stage of our school rebuild will be complete when our new Artisans’ Precinct is open to students when they return from remote learning. This new development follows from the very recent opening of our new Library and Administration Building, and a major extension to our Performers Precinct. Within the buildings just completed, students will have access to:
• A new Library with multiple spaces for students to study and learn as well as places to relax during breaks
• A new wellbeing hub where our extensive wellbeing services are located
• A new Reception area
• Seven new general purpose classrooms
• A Year 12 study area
• Several new art, textiles, photography and media studies rooms
• New classrooms for our Years 9 and 10 Steiner classes
• A new Food Technology facility
Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we have not yet had the opportunity to welcome large numbers of community members into our amazing new facilities; however, we look forward to welcoming more visitors to our school once Covid-19 restrictions are eased.
CSC Return to On-site Learning
Regional Victorian schools will continue Remote Learning for the final two weeks of this term and the first week of Term 4. All students will return to school on Mon 12 Oct. Year 12 students will attend school for the General Achievement Test on Oct 7, and there will be an option for some students to catch-up on essential assessment tasks at school during the first week of term. However, face-to-face classes will not resume until Oct 12. More details to come relating to the GAT and this first week of Term 4 for Year 12s.
Notice of Asbestos Removal
Please find attached a letter alerting you to the removal of asbestos over the next two weekends.
Paul Frye
Camps & Excursion Funding
Applications to apply for CSEF has been further extended for eligible families (health care card, pension card holders). If you have not already completed an application form for 2020 please do so by completing the form attached to this newsletter and return to the College before 5 October.
This extension will see students receive a CSEF payment at 50% of the standard secondary rate eg. from $225 to $112.50 recognising that opportunities for camps, sports and excursions have been limited in 2020. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Karen Burton on 5479 1111 or email