Student Awards

Student of the Week - 24/07/2020
Prep/1A - Phoebe - For showing a lot of improvement in your reading! It's clear that you have been challenging yourself. Well done and keep it up!
Prep/1J - Harper - For an excellent effort at school this week, and for trying hard during guided reading activities. Well done Harper!
1/2R - Caleb - For always giving his best effort in all learning areas. Caleb has a wonderful attitude and he is always willing to help others.
2/3C - Sharneequah - For displaying sound learning behaviour and completing all tasks to a good standard.
3/4S - Georgie - You have really shifted up a gear, particularly in literacy where you have published an excellent cinquain, diamante and limerick!
3/4W - Ben - For attempting to be well organised for your learning everyday. Well done!
5/6H - Tyeisha - For planning and drafting an engaging and thought provoking poem!
5/6S - Marli - For always producing quality work, having a responsible attitude and using excellent time management strategies. You also worked cooperatively during a range of group and team activities.
Music - Leddi - For an excellent effort in Music this week. You were enthusiastic in your music and contributed to class discussions.
Art - Sophia - For an excellent effort in Art this week Well done on your woolen spiral snail!
Science - Keira - For outstanding work in Science and Maths this week and for taking the time to assist others in class. Keira has demonstrated all of the school values this term.
Values - Arthur and Theodore - For honouring the school values of being caring, by being involved in helping run the breakfast club each morning. This has been greatly appreciated by staff and students.
Reader of the Week - 24/07/2020
Prep/1A - Max - For your fantastic reading efforts this week! You are excelling in your work.
Prep/1J - Caelin - For excellent reading during guided reading and for using his pointy reading finger to follow the words. Great work Caelin!
1/2R - Sophia - For a wonderful effort with her Home Reading!
2/3C - Zavier M. - For fluent reading and sound comprehension.
3/4S - Angus N. - You have a terrific attitude to reading Angus - its a real pleasure to watch you immerse yourself in a great book!
3/4W - Anna - For amazing progress in reading comprehension skills.
5/6H - Leila - For persisting with your book.
5/6S - Holly - For showing a passion for reading as she explores a range of interesting books!
Student of the Week - 31/07/2020
Prep/1A - Addison - For your fantastic work all week! You have demonstrated how responsible you are by putting your best efforts into your learning.
Prep/1J - Blake - For excellent handwriting and for trying hard during adding activities. Well done Blake!
1/2R - Jacob - For consistently producing quality work and displaying all of the School Values. Keep up the wonderful work Jacob!
3/4S - Arianna - For the wonderful consideration and productive struggle you put into creating a beautifully constructed and elegant haiku!
3/4W - Jordan - Congratulations on your success in writing this week. You have the potential to be a great poet!
5/6H - Noah - For applying the CUBES strategy when solving written problems. You neatly set out your equations and accurately solved each problem.
5/6S - Holly - For showing an excellent understanding of strategies as you accurately completed a range of comprehension tasks. You are showing great leadership in your role as Softball Vice Captain and you are also showing excellent skills in your role as catcher.
Science - Arianna - For outstanding work in Science this week for the topic of engineering, where Arianna produced the longest flying parachute. She showed great initiative and dedication to the task.
Reader of the Week - 31/07/2020
Prep/1A - Paige - For excelling in learning your sight words!
Prep/1J - Jason - For excellent reading during guided reading and for practicing sight words. Great work Jason!
1/2R - Emily - For moving up to the next level in your reading! Well done!
3/4S - Ava - Mr Smith loves the enthusiasm you have shown towards your reading this week Ava - particularly your Roald Dahl collection (Go Danny!).
3/4W - Asha - For developing your skills of thinking beyond the text when reading non-fiction texts. Fabulous reading to Mrs Wilkinson this week.
5/6H - Cooper Te. - For jumping straight into a book every morning!
5/6S - Ella - For always reading and engaging in a range of interesting, appropriate books!
Student of the Week - 14/08/2020
Prep/1A - Paige - For working so well in the first week of remote learning! You clearly put in a lot of effort into your writing. It is looking beautifully neat.
Prep/1J - Jason - For an excellent effort this week of writing, comprehension, sight words, maths and even an omelet with rice! Well done Jason!
1/2R - Ella - For having a positive attitude and making great progress in all learning areas.
2/3C - Bailey - For your fantastic efforts this week with the remote learning!
3/4S - Isaac - Mr Smith loves the way you have dived right back into Remote Learning, and the enthusiasm you show for his tasks!
3/4S - Max - For your excellent work on your Learning Tasks so far – your 5Ws poem was brilliant – your author’s voice sounded out loud and clear!
3/4W - Larna - You have got off to a flying start with your remote learning. Well done Larna.
5/6H - Leila - For taking responsibility for your own learning during our second remote learning phase for 2020. You have submitted every learning task, including the extension task, this week complete and on time. Keep up the good work!
5/6S - Jazmaine - During remote learning this term you have shown great persistence as you successfully completed and submitted a range of tasks. Your work on the “trial” maths task was excellent! A fantastic effort!
Music - Matthew K. - For creative thinking in planning for your homemade instrument. Ms Davis is looking forward to hearing the sounds that this instrument will make. Well done Matthew!
Art - Larna J. - For an excellent figure drawing inspired by Keith Haring. Ms Davis loved your vibrant use of colour. Well done Larna!
Science - Sienna - For her great work on Stile for the topic of Earthquakes.