From the Principal's desk

Remote Flexible Learning
As we enter our second full week of remote learning, I would like to thank parents and carers for the outstanding job you are doing supporting your child/children with their learning. Just a few points below about remote learning:
- Children in Mr Smith's, Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Hope and Ms Sartoria's classes should all be completing 3 learning tasks a week and submitting them to their teacher for feedback. There are supporting materials in the class folders in the School Resources section of Compass. All children know how to access and submit the work but if there are any issues please contact the classroom teacher or the school office.
- Children in Ms Robertson, Ms Cottingham's, Ms Allen's and Mr Jenner's class should be completing the work that has been set in the class folder in school resources. It is important that parents submit/share one reading, one writing and one numeracy task with the class teacher each week. To do this you can take a photo of the work email it to the teacher, post it on facebook or send photo to the teacher's phone. All teachers can be emailed directly from Compass or a list of emails can be found in the Remote Resources folder in Compass School Resources. If you are unsure about how to share please call your child's teacher.
- All children also took home with them one or two workbooks. When we return to school, children will be able to hand their books into their teacher's for assessment.
It is very important that children complete the work that has been set by the teachers. This is exactly the work they would be doing if they were at school - and the one on one support provided by parents is crucial for their learning. Our school office is open every day between 9 am - 3.30 pm and we are happy to take calls and provide assistance. I have also received some dongles from the department, so if you cannot access the internet please give us a call. Keep up the great work.
Debbie Oliver