From the Principal

It is up to all of us to do the right thing and keep our community safe. Wear a mask and practice social distancing. 

Welcome to IPS

“Hope is not blind optimism. It's not ignoring the enormity of the task ahead or the roadblocks that stand in our path. It's not sitting on the sidelines or shirking from a fight. 


Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, and to work for it, and to fight for it. 


Hope is the belief that destiny will not be written for us, but by us, by the men and women who are not content to settle for the world as it is, who have the courage to remake the world as it should be.” ― Barack Obama.


Let’s write our own destiny. I promise we will do out best and we will support you in any way we can. Continue to work with us, in partnership in the best interests of your child(ren). The staff of Ivanhoe Primary School wish you well. 

A message from the World Health Organisation


The Minions and Gru are supporting WHO in making sure people of all ages stay safe and healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic:

What can you do?  

Physically distance yourself,  be active at home,  be kind to each other.

Michael Minas came to IPS

Michael Minas is an education consultant who is passionate about making maths more engaging. He also teaches in a primary school. Michael has created a series of video clips along with his young son explaining how playing a range of fun and engaging maths games at home. 


Last year he came to IPS to provide professional learning with the staff on how to  problem solve and engage students in Mathematics.

Parent  / Teacher Interviews / Conferences

The Curriculum Day scheduled for August 14th will now be the day on which Parent / Teacher interviews / conferences will occur. As such provision will shortly be made for booking a time with your child(rens) teacher and specialist teachers. Online classes will not happen on this day although some lessons and activities will continue to be accessible.


Interviews will be held by telephone or teleconference. The exact mechanism for this will shortly be communicated to you by COMPASS.  However, if your child's class has two teachers a second afternoon (other than all day Friday 14th ) may also be made available and your child's teacher will communicate with you about how to access those times.


Your child's teacher will be interested to know how your child is engaging with learning at home including:

  • what your child is achieving and what they are enjoying
  • what your child needs more help with.

This information will help your child's teacher.


Before talking to your child's teacher  it may be helpful to write down what you would like to discuss. As has been the usual practice interviews will be 10 minutes in duration. An additional appointment at a later date may be desirable.


Conferences with Specialist teachers can be organised by calling the school office, leaving your details and the specialist will phone you back.


For essential workers children who currently attend onsite the OSHC program will operate throughout the day (7.30am to 6.00pm) but must be booked as soon as possible so we can ensure we employ the correct number of staff. Phone the coordinator on 0417 528 584. Remember, if your child has cold or flu like symptoms they must not come to school or OSHC and they should get tested.

Remote School 2.0 - Survey coming soon ...

There are so many remote school 2.0 success stories but we acknowledge that from time to time it can be difficult for you as it can be for staff. We see a targeted survey as one avenue  to  gain insight into how thing are going and as an opportunity to improve our practice.


Gathering constructive feedback is an important way to provide context that can be factored in to planning and delivery. This will be a brief and targeted exercise that should be ready to go in next week's newsletter.

It's on again - From the students

During Remote School 1.0 the From the Students  section of the newsletter was one of the most often accessed which tells me that students and families enjoyed contributing to it as well as checking out the content. The Open Invitation page will show you how.


Advice, tips and resources for parents to support your child’s continuity of learning from home.

The Department of Education has put together some resources you may find find helpful which I have organised under the following headings.


About learning from home

Supporting your child with additional needs

Support your child's learning

Screentime, health and wellbeing

Resources and tips

Advice in your language


Thank you to Anthony Carbines for working with the community to get the new pedestrian operated signals on Livingstone St in Ivanhoe installed which now provides safer connections along Donaldson Creek Reserve & for Ivanhoe Primary School families. Thank you to the Safer Livingstone Community Group .



Also today is Happy International Friendship Day! 


Be kind to yourself, wear a mask when outside and stay safe.


Mark Kent
