Discovery Centre


Selamat pagi and welcome back to Remote Learning for Term 3! We hope you had a fun and relaxing break over the holidays. We were so proud and impressed with the engagement and effort from families and students during the last Remote Learning period and we look forward to connecting with students during daily check ins on Google Meet. We understand there may be some teething issues when learning how to use this platform so please contact your class teacher via Sentral if you have any questions or concerns. 


Throughout this Remote Learning period we will reduce the amount of tasks released on Seesaw each day. There will be one Literacy, one Maths and one activity from the Choosing Board (which includes Wellbeing, Guided Inquiry, Physical Activity and STEM) per day. Please do your best and we understand if you are not able to complete all activities. 


This week in Mathematics we will be focusing on Number and Place Value through some familiar games such as Race to 20 or 100 and Place Value War. In Literacy we will be focusing on handwriting and writing a holiday recount. We look forward to hearing what students did on their holidays. There are lots of fun and exciting activities on the Choosing Board this week including a refresher on the Zones of Regulation, mindfulness colouring and some family time helping your family make lunch. You will notice that the Choosing Board is now more interactive with hyperlinks that you can follow to watch some videos or access further information. Please ensure you click 'view original' to access clickable links. 


We look forward to another successful Remote Learning Period. 

Have a fantastic week,

Foundation Teachers


  • Parent Teacher Interviews - your child's teacher will call you at your allocated time (please note this may be from a private number)
  • If your child needs their headphones please contact their teacher to arrange pick up from school
  • Daily check ins will be conducted on Google Meet at 10am - your teacher will have provided the link in the weekly schedule (this link won't change)
  • Thursday's check in will be posted on Seesaw and can be watched at any time throughout the day.