The Principal's Pen

The Principal's Pen

As we approach the end of Term 2 there is the atmosphere of endings and new beginnings in the College. Teachers are completing reports as a formal summation of the semester and classes are already getting started on work that will continue into next term. It is part of our language that we use at Cornerstone that we can all build on what we have done. Some of what is being left behind might be something we’d prefer to forget, but we can treasure the growth and experiences we’ve had so far this year and look forward to the new things that are in front of us.


It’s comforting to reflect on this in our lives as well. A line from an old Christian song is on repeat in my head – “new every morning, new every morning”. We can have fresh starts in so many aspects - our relationships, our work, even our attitudes. The end of term could be a good opportunity to put that into practice.


The song goes on – “great is your faithfulness, oh Lord” which reminds me that God is holding those new mornings for me. It encourages me to keep looking for those fresh starts.


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; 

his mercies never come to an end; 

they are new every morning; 

great is your faithfulness.   (Lamentations 3:22-23)