Canteen News

The school canteen will be reopening on Wednesdays and Fridays from next week.

Whilst the weather is fine, we will continue to ask parents to place their orders at the school gate. If the weather is wet, please come to the undercover area to order. 

Please remember to maintain physical distancing whilst lining up to pay.  

You are welcome to take some bags home with you and fill out the bags in advance.

Payments by card are encouraged and all orders must be made before school 

(i.e. children cannot purchase extra items at recess or lunchtime).

Unfortunately we will no longer be taking Facebook orders.


Thanks for supporting our school canteen!

Uniform Shop

Please contact Anjea and Jess at wgvuniforms@gmail.com if you have any questions. 

Thanks for your understanding! Stay Safe!

Anjea & Jess


Anjea Travers & Jess Lamont

Uniform Shop Co-Convenors | White Gum Valley Primary School 

Anjea: 0412 167 101

Jess: 0422 227 944



Uniform Shop is now by Order Form only. 

Orders can be placed in the Uniform Shop box in the Front Office during the week.