Term 2 Week 9



Our class writing focus is Historical Recounts. We are exposing students to a variety of different forms. Eg. Diaries and extracts from explorers/migrants. We are focusing on the purpose, structure and language features of this type of writing. Identifying this form of record as a primary source of evidence to tell about the past. Students will use the structure and language features of this writing style to compose their own historical recount in the coming weeks. 

In reading, we will continue to use Picture Story Books as our focus for literature. This week our book,  'The Little Refugee' is an autobiography that explores the themes of war, displacement and belonging. 'The Little Refugee' tells the uplifting and inspiring childhood story of one of Australia's favourite personalities, Ahn Do.


To develop the reading comprehension strategies of thinking about the text, thinking within the text and thinking beyond the text  the students will work through optional literacy activities in 'The Little Refugee Literacy Menu'. 


In Word Study, we will continue looking at the jobs of silent final 'e'. 

Job One - 'the silent 'e' at the end of a word, jumps over the consonant to make a vowel say its second sound (its long vowel sound). E.g. bake, hate. (Some programs refer to this as 'bossy e' or 'magic e'.)

Job Two 'v' and 'u' - the silent final 'e' at the end of the word stops 'u' and 'v' from being at the end of the word. E.g. behave, glue.

Job Three 'c' and 'g' - the silent 'e' allows 'c' and 'g' to say their second sounds of /sss/ and /j/ at the end of a word. E.g. chance, change.

Job Four - every syllable must have a vowel. If the last syllable doesn't have a vowel, then silent final 'e' will take place at the end of the word. Eg lit tle,    stub ble,    a ble.

Job Five - the silent final 'e' is an imposter! It's not needed for any job but has still tacked on to the end of the word. eg horse, nurse.



Number and Algebra. This week students will be revisiting subtraction mental strategies. They will then be focusing on using the vertical subtraction method to solve problems. They will learn how to perform subtractions with and without regrouping. We will be consolidating this knowledge through a game of subtraction bingo.   


Measurement and Geometry.

In Measurement and Geometry students will complete an Essential Assessment task, to ascertain their understanding of concepts on an  extensive range of topics.


Unit of Inquiry

This coming week we will inquire into why people migrate. Looking at push and pull factors and understanding what was happening in history at each particular time period. We will create a timeline showing Australia’s migration history, beginning with our indigenous Aboriginals who were the first inhabitants. The following week we will continue to focus on our first inhabitants and how they were impacted with European settlement and understand in history how the Aboriginal communities were affected. Students will also continue with their own personal inquiry into their own family heritage. They will present their research and visually tell their own migration story.  



This week back in the classroom we are continuing to focus on providing time and opportunity for students to practice mindfulness to support wellbeing strategies. We will introduce guided meditation daily with the Cosmic Kids program. 'Peace Out' is a series of guided meditations and visualizations for children by Jaime Amor. 

We have been delighted with the response and engagement from students to the weekly wellbeing challenges during home learning and we encourage everyone to keep using the strategies they enjoyed most. 





Monday 8th June 

Public Holiday


Tuesday 9th June 

Grade 3 - 6 students return to Brighton PS.


Grade 3 Reunites!

A HUGE thank you to Henry Reiser's dad, Ian for producing our 'HAPPY' video of the grade 3 families getting ready to return to school this week! He did an amazing job! This has also been shared on the Brighton Primary Facebook page.

If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, please click here to view it.

Our grade 3 families are 'HAPPY' to be returning this week!
Our grade 3 families are 'HAPPY' to be returning this week!


Grade 3 Team - Sylvia Zanati (3A), Georgia Kirk (3B), Amanda Kerr & Shae Langford-Jones (3C), Bill Kolivas (3D), Amy Chadwick (Hearing Unit).