Music Tuition

Our thanks to teachers, students and parents in making the necessary adjustments on returning to school. As we were unable to use three teaching rooms because they no longer complied with the COVID-19 safety guidelines many changes were required. 


Hopefully, the new locations and in some cases the new lesson times will work for everyone. As Zoom has proven to be a way of delivering lessons, you or your teacher may wish to use it for emergency situations when you or your teacher cannot attend a lesson. If your child has any cold-like symptoms, and you need to keep them at home you can discuss the possibility of making up the lesson using Zoom.


Enid Wellington who has been teaching at Mount Carmel for many years, decided to delay returning to teaching piano at Mount Carmel for now. Last month she thought she would return Term 3 but as the infection rates have dropped dramatically, she may well return before the end of the Term. 


If your child would like to learn a musical instrument, some teachers are taking more students: trombone, trumpet, cello, guitar, flute, drums and piano. There are limited places for  singing and violin. 


To enrol, go to the College website, click on Learning tab, scroll down and click on Music, look to the list on the right hand side of the page and click on Music Tuition

Otherwise here is a link.



Dorothy Lincoln

Coordinator Music Tuition