From the Deputy Principal

Transition back to school

The transition back to school has been relatively smooth and it has been great to see so many smiling faces. Thank you to parents for your support as we moved to new protocols within the College but particularly around the new processes in respect to pick up and drop off.  A huge thank you is also extended to our support staff for all the extra cleaning and sanitising regimes that have been implemented across the College.


Staff continue to monitor students hand washing at the conclusion of break times but parents support to remind your son or daughter around the importance of maintaining this is very much appreciated.


Remind students of good hygiene practices:

  • Washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds (see video), or using hand sanitiser, when entering school, and at regular intervals throughout the day: particularly before and after eating, and after going to the toilet; for younger students, this may include having a regular handwashing schedule (a game)
  • Covering coughs and sneezes with one’s elbow or a tissue.
  • Placing used tissues straight into the bin.
  • Avoiding touching one’s eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Not sharing food or drink.

A reminder to all parents and carers to keep your child/children at home if they have any cold or flu like symptoms. 


I have included as a parent resource a link to an article from Monash University about adjusting to the ‘new normal’.



Lyndal Tewes

Deputy Principal