Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers


This is the last newsletter that will incorporate our remote learning experiences (fingers crossed).  Next week we welcome back our grade 3-6 students.  These recent months have been a period of great change and uncertainty.  It is important to take time to recognise how this may have impacted our health and wellbeing and understand that others around us may be experiencing similar or different feelings to you.  I ask that we are kind to ourselves and those around us and follow the guidelines that the school has established to protect all of us.


I would like to thank the staff at CHPS for the way they have responded to the transition to remote learning and back to face-face teaching.  Their commitment to supporting and teaching your children never faltered and they have worked tirelessly to deliver programs in a new learning environment.


This video has been made for our grade 3-6 friends returning on Tuesday by students who have been on site.  We look forward to having you back  back.  Watch this to learn a little about how things have changed, and how they are just the same.

It is important that we remain focused on the safety of our school community.  We ask that families follow the 1.5m physical distancing requirements when around the school grounds.  As all our students come back to school, this will mean moving on as quickly as possible once you have dropped off/collected your children.  It also means that you do not send your child to school if they are unwell.  Together we can keep our staff and children safe.


Recently we received the exciting news that we had received funding to build a new campus on the old Sambell Lodge site.  Below is a message from Minister Wynne regarding the announcement.

Enjoy the long weekend and we look forward to seeing all of our 759 students on Tuesday!



