Art News

Year 9 Visual Communication Design
Year 9 Visual Communication Design (VCD) students in Ms Fischer and Ms Cummins’ classes were asked to design a magazine cover for a fictitious magazine called “The Melbournian”.
The challenge was to design a cover for an issue dedicated to environmental concerns. Students researched an issue of their choice, before designing their cover – inspired by the iconic “New Yorker” magazine.
This work began at school, and was completed and submitted from home during remote learning. Both Ms Fischer and Ms Cummins were so impressed with the professional standard of the work!
Ms Fischer and Ms Cummins
Year 7 Art
7I and 7F have been working very hard in Ms Fischer’s class on their self-portrait work over the last few weeks, learning about colour theory and working with shapes. The learning has been very different to a typical art lesson, as the students' have been watching video tutorials and applying the skills at home. They have all done amazing and creative work!
Ms Fischer