school council

term 2 junior school council


This Term during remote learning the JSC have been communicating via Seesaw and Google Classroom, which has been a big change from our usual face to face meetings. The JSC members completed a survey on their own home learning thoughts, and discussed the patterns they could see in the data. The Senior JSC noticed that most members were worried about not getting to socialise with friends as much and feeling less connecting to the whole school community. The patterns and data were fed back to teachers, so that they could help make changes to make remote learning better! 


The Junior JSC came up with the idea for a Whole School Lego Competition. The Middles and Senior JSC will be helping the Junior JSC to create a display of the Lego Competition finalists in the foyer of the school this week so the BNWPS can vote on their favourite! The finalists have also been sent to The Brickman for him to pick his winner as well! Make sure you keep your eyes out for the display and take the time to vote for your choice.JSC are looking forward to running some class meetings now that we are back at school. They will be focussing getting the thoughts from their classmates on how to make learning even better at BNWPS, before presenting this data and ideas to the Senior School Council next term!Well done JSC, you have done an amazing job at being leaders in a strange time in the world. We can’t wait to see what you do next!


siblings category to be judged by Brickman


Marco and Anthony Middles/Seniors 


Nar and Malya



Jasmine and Lachlan Ferg





Edo & Gabriella  


Gilby and Hugo


Link to PowerPoint with pictures!AvDVw099YdSyxB84EmwXfis2jPxw

Link to video presentation!AvDVw099YdSyxCYKHKr0DSEhnEX-



Sienna and Finnian


Link to video presentation