From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are excited to be resuming face-to-face teaching. This will be for all St Mary’s College students, from Kinder to Year 12, on Monday 25 May. With the return to school, there are a number of measures to be put in place involving hygiene, distancing and managing sickness. There will be more information on this in an email that will be sent to families later this afternoon.

Congratulations on the fantastic efforts you have made as a family in these last months. Thank you for working so closely with teachers. We still may face some times of uncertainty where we may need to again act swiftly. I am confident that we can do so if the need arises. 


Loving God

Our College community is abundantly grateful for our parents and carers. We see the complexity of their lives and the challenges they face. Help them to see the beauty of their special roles as they shape the future. Give them strength when they need it, compassion when they feel they fall short and an enduring sense of your love. Help us all as a community, honour one another and be grateful as we work to raise our children and young people. 

Venerable Nano Nagle, pray for us.



Helen Spencer
