SMCC Board


SMCC Board Member

Board Report

2020 has been a challenging year for everyone requiring us all to adapt rapidly to changes in the way we live, work, educate and learn.  The Board is grateful to the entire team at St Mary’s for their dedication and hard work which has gone into adapting to home schooling, and rapidly readying the school for the return of all students. The school has also done a great deal to support those families who have been struggling with changed circumstances. The support and engagement from parents and students as we all navigated these changes was a huge contributor to the successes experienced despite the uncertainties and challenges everyone was striving to manage.


Over the next few months, the Board’s focus will be on supporting the school’s leadership team with planning and imagining the future through times of ongoing uncertainty.  This includes developing the school’s next strategic plan and continuing to refine and implement St Mary’s Masterplan which includes exciting new facilities, and spaces to provide increased flexibility for different modes of learning.


Once things settle down to our ‘new normal,’ the Board will be inviting any parents who may be interested in finding out more about the Board, and perhaps considering being part of the Board, to join us and learn more about the Board’s role in the school.  It’s a rewarding way to contribute to our school community, so keep an eye out for updates and invitation in Term 3.