Junior School News

Junior School Principal's Update

A big welcome back on site to the Junior school students! They have had a wonderful conclusion to Term 2, slotting beautifully back into classes, uniform and school routines. 


It has been wonderful going into classrooms and seeing our year 7 and 8 students using their iPads for their learning and many of our year 9 students using BYOD from home. This is evidence of our students’ commitment to their learning by taking digital learning from home back into the classroom with them. Our junior teachers have done a fabulous job of continuing the eLearning resources and supports. I have seen some amazing resources and videos that our teachers have spent a lot of time on so that the digital learning experience is easy and engaging for our juniors. 


A highlight of the week has been seeing students convert their hard-earned STARR Awards points to earn Melton Money that they can spend at the STARR awards shop. Every STARR award earns students $MSC1 which they can use to buy sweet treats, canteen vouchers, sports equipment, an iPad or the all-coveted Pizza-Party-with-a-Principal!  I thoroughly enjoyed my first pizza party with Paige D. Keep up the great work Year 7-9s! 


Our students have been brilliant adjusting to our new timetable. We are now starting 10mins earlier at 8:50am every morning with STARR Connect. Students have told me that the best parts of the new timetable have been: 

  • “More breaks in the morning”
  • “Starting the day with STARR –it’s really easy to know where to go”
  • “Finishing 10 mins earlier”
  • “Having all the yard to ourselves at lunch while the older kids are in classes”

I’d also like to cap off this ‘Welcome back’ by acknowledging the amazing work that our parents and carers did during the online learning period. For many families learning remotely has been a significant challenge, where some families thrived and some families had a really tough time. Wherever your family fell on the spectrum, I’d like to offer my sincere thanks for your partnership, resilience, communication and support of our community, our teachers and most importantly the learning and wellbeing of our young people. Have a fantastic and well-deserved break.