School Council

Your school council met in-person on Monday. With lots going on around our wonderful school it was a big meeting with great discussions about budget, our building works, fun activities, the coming year and beyond…


An important part of our discussion was around spreading the word about Weeden Heights and growing future enrolments. It was decided that we need a focused effort on this to help ensure our wider community is well informed about our amazing school and our strong student outcomes, both emotionally and academically. As such, school council agreed that we need a small team of 2-3 people to take control of this and report back to council monthly. 


So we are looking for your help. If you have a flare for marketing and a desire to help ensure our school stays vibrant and strong for years to come, please speak to Gavin Hodgins (Community Building Sub-committee) for more details about this opportunity. Please note feel free to speak to Kylie, Kerryn or any member of school council and we can put you in touch with Gavin. Thanks!


We are extremely fortunate at Weeden Heights to have excellent business managers so the budget is shaping up well…but tight, and as always support through next year's parent payments will be extremely important as our government funding covers our buildings and staff and our parent payments cover just about everything else. 


In very exciting news, the building works are starting! Keep an eye out around the school in the next few weeks and I’m sure you will see lots of activity starting to happen. So much time and effort has gone into preparing for this by Kylie, her staff and our community. A massive thank you to everyone who had contributed…it’s wonderful to see the plan finally going into action!


We also received updates from our Building and Grounds sub-committee who would like to say a big thank you to the families who attended the recent working bee…it sounds like it was a very productive night!


The PFA and SRC also updated us about their activities. There’s been lots of hard work and great ideas this year and we greatly appreciate all your efforts! And stay tuned as it sounds like there are still some fun activities to come. 


As a final thought, it’s been a long time since the school council members have actually left our homes and met on school grounds! And while we had all become very comfortable meeting from our warm and cosy homes, this was a great reminder of how important face to face connection is. So we would highly encourage everyone who can to venture back onto school grounds, and in particular, come along to the Christmas Concert on Thursday 15th December. It’s going to be a wonderful night celebrating all our school and students have achieved this year…we hope to see you there!


Until next time, stay safe and warm.






Karen Jansen

School Council President