Friends of Donvale this Fortnight 

Tim Dehn - Community Relations Manager

Annual General Meeting

Monday 21 November 7pm for 7.30 start.


Enjoy coffee and dessert as you arrive at the Primary Staff Room in Building A.


We will review our first full year as an integral part of the school, reconnecting community after the last two years of disruptions and separations.


Then we will plan for 2023 and share ideas about how we can continue to bless the Donvale community.


Those attending will elect committee members for 2023, and we're also inviting nominations for the FOD committee: here's a link to the application form for membership (you need to be a member of FOD to serve on the committee). Read more about who we are and what we do on Schoolbox here.


Not a fan of committee work? You're not alone - just join in and volunteer to help at the events we put on through the year. It's fun, rewarding, and you may even get coffee ...

Second-Hand Uniform Shop

Here are the remaining dates when the the second-hand uniform shop will open this term: 

  • Thursday, 17 November: 1pm to 3pm (Volunteers needed)*
  • Tuesday, 29 November: 10am to 12pm (Volunteers needed)*
  • Friday, 2 December: 8am to 10am and 2pm to 4pm

*No trade certificate necessary - just a willing pair of hands and a heart to serve other parents!


This is also the term when you realise that your family now has uniform items that are no longer needed. Don't just discard them - if they're in good condition we can resell them and credit your bank account with the proceeds. There are collection bins located near Kiss n Drop car park 4 and outside our uniform shop. All enquiries to 

Mums in Business Group

If you're a mum and you run a business, this is for you! Once a fortnight we spend time together sharing experiences, both great and small, and generally supporting one another as we manage family and business.


Our next meeting is tomorrow, Friday 11 November - then the last for this term will be Friday 25 November.


Contact to find out more.





Any queries, please contact FOD through this email: