Thanksgiving Speech by the College Captains

Ellie Gardiner & Tom Waterworth - 2022 College Captains

It's hard to believe that this is our last time wearing the DCC school uniform. I remember the first time I buttoned up my shirt on the first day of Year 7. Mum positioned me in front of the front door as I reluctantly smiled. 


We've had six first days at Donvale, and to think that I sat my last Year 12 exam today is humbling. My name is Ellie, and this is Tom, and we've had the honour of being your College Captains this year. 


Tonight we'd like to share our journey with you. To share the lessons taught and impact made by you, our Donvale community. 


Donvale Christian College has been a home to us. While our world is ever changing, through it all, our school community has been a firm foundation, with its roots planted deep in the love of Christ. No matter what challenges we have faced, DCC has held us, taught us and nurtured our growth.


Tom and I were both new to Donvale in Year 7, so the idea of being thrown into a room with over 100 people who all seemed to know each other was very daunting. 

But within a week, the Donvale community welcomed us. The seniors made it their mission to include us: teaching us how to use our lockers, navigate the hilly layout of the school, and modelling the loving culture of the College.


Students, and I’m sure parents as well, will know the wide range of emotions that we've felt across our school journey.


The relief felt after finally getting onto a warm bus after hiking for five days on Year 9 Wilderness Camp. Oh what a feeling.

Being nervous before our first day of school each year, to see if our friends still remembered us, but also excited to get back into it.

Oh what a feeling. 


That sinking feeling when we got back THAT mark on the topic test, or the feeling of accomplishment when we got the mark we wanted.

Oh what a feeling.

Jumping and shouting in house chants, united as a sea of colour.

Oh what a feeling.


Building relationships with our peer mentors in Year 7, sharing our feelings and fears of starting high school. Or even as Year 11s and 12s leading those discussions, giving our advice and feeling like we made a difference.

Oh what a feeling.

Eating hot doughnuts at the Queen Vic Market on City Experience, learning independence travelling in on the train. Trusted by the teachers.

Oh what a feeling.


Standing as a year level in the foyer outside our English exam room, with pounding hearts and sweaty palms as we walk in.

Oh what a feeling.

Sliding headfirst in the mud on our last day of school, satisfied that we're truly free. 

Oh what a feeling.

Hugging our friends on the last day of school, crying as we say goodbye.

Oh what a feeling.


With all of these feelings, the rollercoaster of emotions, there have been constants in our lives. God has never changed and is always our biggest support, but the welcoming, inclusive, reassuring community of DCC made these experiences richer and just that little bit more manageable.


Donvale has positioned us to face the world armed with experience and the virtues of Christ. We've experienced all of the emotions and learned from most of our mistakes. 


Even though it's been hard sometimes, we have always found comfort knowing that we're all doing it together. Not just our classmates, but the teachers and people at home who have always helped us. 


When it comes down to it, teachers, we could never have done it without you and are so grateful for your guidance across the years. Whether it be through creating memory devices which seemed far too much of a stretch, or blowing up barbeques just to keep us engaged; the teachers at Donvale are truly dedicated to making our experience at school one that we will always look back on with great fondness. So thank you.


To be gifted the responsibility of College Captains this year has been an honour. The encouragement we have received since our arrival at DCC has been something we've always wanted to repay. We hope that the culture and community impact that we've made will hold strong for years to come. 


We are excited to welcome our new student leaders, who we know will continue the legacy, leaving their footprint in the Donvale culture.


Psalm 119:105 says,

The Lord's word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 


While it has been challenging at times, there has been no better place to grow up than at Donvale. Donvale (except for those three days in total darkness when we lost power) has been a place where our paths have been lit and where each day we witness the love of God's people. 


Thank you all for the memories, thank you for the lessons, and thank you for the endless care.


We've reached the starting line of our adult lives, and we know that our peers will go on to chase God's mission for them.


We are inspired by the love that this school community has embraced us with, and that we will carry with us wherever we go. A persistent, resilient care and inclusion for everybody.