Primary Happenings

Who Decides? 

        by Harry Foster - Year 6 Team Leader

It has been all things politics in Grade 6 this term as we inquire into the concepts of government and democracy.  Over the past two weeks we have had two incursions. 


The first was a visit from our Local Ward members, Councillor Carli Lang from Yarra Ward and Councillor Andrew Conlon from Currawong Ward. Both councillors are from Manningham Council, and both have a strong connection with the school. 


They spoke to the Year 6 students about the role of local council and the process of council elections. They were able to share with the students the types of issues and projects that they are currently working on.


Our second incursion was a presentation by the Victorian Electoral Commission about how the Preferential Voting System works. The students ran a mock election and were able to see the vast differences in how our own system of voting works compared to the ‘First Past the Post’ method. 


Over the next few weeks, every Year 6 student will participate in a research project where they will have to form a political party based on an issue that they are passionate about, research this issue and how to resolve it, create a campaign and participate in another mock election. A fantastic learning opportunity to conclude the year.

Year 1 Excursion to Lilydale Lake 

by Helen Reid  - Year 1 Team Leader

Over 90 Year 1 students went on their first ever excursion on Tuesday. The sun shone gloriously all day as they spent time exploring Lilydale Lake. The children saw swans and cygnets, along with other bird life as they walked around the lake. They played happily on a wonderfully designed playground. 


Each group reflected on the materials used in making the playground and what moving parts they saw in the playground. They thought about what playground equipment our class mascots would enjoy the most. All of this experience will help in their final Makerspace challenge which will start to take shape next week.  


A huge thank you to the many parents who came and helped supervise and cook a delicious BBQ lunch. Special thanks to Mr Ali Coffey who brought all the BBQ equipment and organised the lunch.  A  Zooper Dooper treat back at school made for a wonderful end to an excellent excursion.