Exams and Headstart

It is the busiest time of year when students complete, in some instances their second lot of exams for the year and then transition into their following year. Whole school exams have been an important strategy for KSC in preparing students for not only VCE exams but for life situations where we all have to sit tests, either in getting our driver’s licence, in our work life or in study, or in completing some form of licencing or OH&S requirements. Like most things in life, sitting tests or exams becomes easier with practice. 


In recent years, we have had exemplary attendance during Headstart. Mr Wilson and I congratulate our students and families on their focus and preparation for the following year by engaging in this important preparatory work. Attendance at Headstart is crucial for preparing students for the year ahead. Again, it is hard to do well at school when work is missed due to absence. 2022 has been a challenging year for illness, particularly illness relating to COVID for both students and staff. We have one last ‘big push’ to get through before the Christmas holiday break – we can do it!



Just an early ‘heads up’ to our community that the NAPLAN tests for Years 7 and 9 will be sat very early in Term 1, 2023. This is a change that is occurring nationally. As always, these tests are a snapshot of a students’ performance on one day, however, the data is valuable as we ‘triangulate’ these results against other data sets to ensure that we are accurately catering for students at their zone of proximal development – think Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Learning should neither be too hard or too easy, but just right.  We also use testing data to check our teaching programs to make sure we are not missing anything, that we are accurately skilling students, and meeting their needs. 


Today also saw the conclusion of our VCE exams. Well done to everyone who undertook these exams. We look forward to celebrating next week at the Valedictory Dinner. This weekend also sees another group of students completing their Deb. Congratulations also to this group of students and a huge thank you to our amazing Community Engagement Group on their hard work and for providing this opportunity for the young people in our community. 


Principal - Vaya Dauphin

Assistant Principal  -  John Wilson