With exam time approaching it is time to seriously think about making study notes – especially if you haven’t been doing them regularly throughout the year. Find out what topics will be tested, make a quick mind map of each topic so you can see an overview of what you need to learn, then start making point form notes about what you need to learn and remember for the exam. You want to make your study notes as soon as possible so you have ample time to learn them and to do lots of practise questions.


Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Notes:

  1. POINTS: Avoid long sentences and condense content into key points.
  2. TABLES: Use tables wherever you can to create structure and make the content easier to learn.
  3. KEY WORDS: Pull out key words and capitalise them (as shown in this list).
  4. HIGHLIGHT: Make sure the main content stands out (but don’t go crazy with colour).
  5. FEEDBACK: Show your notes to teachers, parents and friends so they can suggest ways to improve them.

You can learn more about making great study notes in the SUMMARISING unit of by logging in with these details:


Username:    korumburrasc

Password:      125success