Faith and Mission
The season of Advent is about waiting
Waiting takes up a large part of our lives, often we see waiting as non-productive, as a waste of time and we are frustrated.
But the season of Advent reminds us that waiting is more productive, we are called to be people of action and service as we wait for the most mysterious and wonderful coming of all – the coming of Jesus Christ.
So, with the people of faith who have gone before us, and the people of faith who are with us … we wait, and we hope, and love what we wait for; God’s second coming, and God’s peace.
A Reading from the Gospel of St Matthew
In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, ‘Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.’
When King Herod heard this, he was frightened. He secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying,
‘Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage.’ When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was.
When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure-chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.
Just like the wise men presented gifts to the Holy Family, we too offer gifts this Christmas. Over the past few weeks, we have all been asked to contribute to the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Many have responded to the call to help our neighbours in need with generosity. By doing this we have made God’s presence a reality in the lives of others.
Soon we will present these Christmas Hampers and Gift vouchers to the various Vinnies Conferences in our area. Vinnies members work tirelessly to ensure that people experiencing disadvantage have someone to turn to for help. We thank them for their work and commitment in helping others. Through their good works we are restoring hope to many people who are finding it difficult to celebrate during the Christmas season.
Lord Jesus, Wise men travelled for miles to bring you the first Christmas presents. So, may we, too, remember with thankful hearts the love that comes with each present we open. We also thank you for the amazing love you have for each of us, and we thank you for the many gifts that you give us. We ask your particular care for those who do not experience the love and presence of dear ones. Amen.
As we prepare for the great holy day of Christmas, may each of us help to make our home a place of joy, love, peace and safety.
May we be generous and considerate, helping others to enjoy the blessings of Christmas.
May we, and all our family and friends, find relaxation, refreshment and enjoyment in the coming summer holidays.
St John Baptist de la Salle. Pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever!
Vinnies Christmas Appeals
It’s not too late …. There are many people in our local community who struggle to make ends meet day-to-day. For these people Christmas can be a very difficult time as they would like to be able to celebrate the way many of us do, but they don’t have the money to do so. So, we want to do something about that!
Each Homeroom and Tutor Group will assemble a hamper of items that will make a difference in the lives of those in need this Christmas. The hampers include food items that are both essential and celebratory, along with some items for personal care. The idea is that each student will commit to bringing in one item to contribute to the class hamper from the list provided. Ask your son what he has offered to donate.
This year, at Bentleigh East, the St Vincent De Paul Society has requested Woolworths and Village Cinema gift cards. The Woolworths cards will provide the necessities for Christmas and the movie tickets will enable a day out with the family. We are seeking cash donations that will be used to purchase these gift cards. Donations will be collected by your son’s homeroom teacher.
Les Twentyman Foundation
Back to School Program - Donate second-hand books and educational resources
The 'Back to School Program' redistributes used educational resources to students who would otherwise be unable to afford them. In 2022, the Foundation was able to assist 500 students to access the supplies required to attend school.
St Bede’s College is seeking the following donations:
- Year 7 to 12 textbooks and study guides published since 2018
- English novels and literature texts (novels/plays/poetry/DVD’s)
- Atlases, dictionaries (English and foreign language), and thesauruses
- Calculators
- Laptops
- Stationery - physical donations (good condition) and/or vouchers (eg Officeworks)
Donations will be received up until Tuesday 6 December 2022, at both Campuses; Mentone - deliver to Student Services or Reception, Bentleigh East - deliver to the Library.
Please email Ria Greene at should you have any questions.
Year 12 Retreat and Formation Day
Goodbye and hello to Youth Minister, Josh Cant.
At the end of this school year, we farewell Josh Cant to his new role in the Lasallian Youth Ministry as Youth Ministry Coordinator with Lasallian Mission Services.
The following announcement was made by the Lasallian Mission Services in November -
“Josh is well known in Lasallian circles. Whilst a student at St Bede’s College, Mentone, he volunteered to attend the Balgo Immersion Program in 2014, before appointment as a Lasallian Youth Leader in 2015-16. After graduating from St Bede’s, he spent 2017 working as a Lasallian Volunteer in Sydney for yourtown before returning to Melbourne to commence studies for a Bachelor of Science degree.
Coinciding with his studies, Josh has worked in Lasallian youth ministry as an Assistant Retreat Facilitator, as well as Youth Minister at St Bede’s. During these years, Josh has impressed staff, students and Lasallian colleagues with a wonderful combination of personal attributes in accompaniment with his developing professional skills in youth ministry. Blended with his great commitment to the Lasallian mission, Josh is highly respected for his mature personality, for his patient and respectful approach to all people, and for his fine work ethic.
Josh’s appointment to the team is an exciting one as preparations are underway for another busy year in Lasallian youth ministry across our District. Josh will be based in Melbourne, working from the St Bede’s Bentleigh East campus.”
We wish Josh all the very best with his new role and thank him for his many years of faithful service and witness as both a St Bede's College student and a staff member.
College Family Mass
To mark the beginning of the school year, and to celebrate the 85th Anniversary of the Opening of St Bede’s College
Thursday 16 February 2023 at 6.00pm
Sports Centre, Mentone Campus
Principal Celebrant: Bishop Tony Ireland, Southern Region
Booking details will follow in due course.
Ria Greene
Deputy Principal
Faith and Mission