Year 5 News

We are halfway through the term, and it already feels like we've packed in an entire year worth of activities! As we begin our final term together as Year 5s, we forget how far we have come this year! What a way to strengthen the friendships and classmate spirit, then to go away together for 3 days.



Year 5 Camp has to be the highlight of the year. First of all, thank you to Mrs Hall, Mr Farmer, Mrs Ball and Mrs Levine, if it weren't for them volunteering to take the time and leave their families, this camp wouldn't have been able to go ahead. Secondly, the Year 5 team are extremely proud of each and every student for the way they conducted themselves on camp. The teamwork and encouragement from everyone, was truly magical to witness. We know from the smiles on each of their faces, the Year 5s had an amazing time.  


Please enjoy this video.


Please enjoy some recounts from the students.


This year on the 24th of October we set off to camp summit in Trafalgar Gippsland . 


Camp was an awesome experience with lots of fun and exciting activities. 


We most enjoyed the monster course that all students and some teachers participated in! 


We had to work as a team and try to complete all the challenges that we were set while getting devoured in mud. The evening activities were super fun too. The first night we did a big trivia against the teachers which was super-duper fun and the second night we watched the Minions movie while the teachers handed out lollies. Overall Year 5 camp was amazing, and we will never forget it!!! 

  • Eliza & Averie


It was term four, a cloudy, rainy day when year 5 went off for a camp trip to the Summit in Gippsland. 


Our first day there was fun, the first activity we did was inflatable world . We got to do human foosball and race each other in obstacle courses. but the most exciting activity was the mud run where we all had to work together and get muddy while we did obstacles. 


The next we did was laser skirmish, Tasha's ladder and the flying fox. 


The flying fox was very so scary but we went over massive lake which was really fun. The next activity we did was Tasha's ladder where we climbed ladders until we reached the top, it was scary but it was fun too.


Then on the last day we did bushwalk with a giant foam pit and help everyone get out of i while collecting puzzle pieces to finish the puzzle then packed up all our things and headed back to school.   

  • Scarlett 


The bus drive up there was so nerve wracking, I couldn’t wait! It  was about an hour and a half but it felt like three hours. I was getting really nervous because we didn’t know what cabin we were in until Mrs. Gill handed out the camp booklets. She gave us the booklets at about an hour in to the bus drive. After everyone opened their camp booklets the bus filled with chatter an excitement for our  journey ahead. When the bus had arrived at the Summit  camp in Trafalgar, we chose our room in the cabin and had lunch.

  • Sophie 


On the 24 of October the year fives went on their very first camp to the summit in Trafalgar, Gippsland. 


When we arrived at the camp the instructors had all the activities set up for us to go on. The first one we went on was the inflatable city, we did races and human fuse ball. 


The first night was really fun, we did a trivia night against the teachers. The second night was even better we watched the minions movie. All the food that was served was delicious and everyone's favorite was the spaghetti. On Tuesday afternoon all students and some teachers participated in the monster course. You had to work as a team and help each other get through the course. We did it 

twice to see who had the most improved time.


 At the end the camp instructors let us go on the waterslide that lead to the lake.

  • Mia




Well done Year 5s, for an exceptional first camp and beginning of the Term.