Primary News

Prep 2020 Transition
Prep L was lucky enough to have some visitors from Monash University to teach us all about Science!
We learned about Chemical science and the properties of different materials. It was a lot of fun!
Magic words awards were plentiful as we had a special ceremony in our classroom, everyone got at least one certificate as we have all been working hard to complete our 100, 200 and 300 Magic Words.
Prep L have also been practising our writing! We have Pen pals from Prep S all the way in Queensland. We wrote letters to our Pen pals introducing ourselves and we were very excited to send our very big envelope with all our letters to our new friends.
We have also started our practice with Sav from STOMP for our end of year concert, we really love to dance.
It has been an exciting start to Term 4. We can’t believe how quickly the year has gone!!
Ms Levy - Class Teacher
Term 4 started with lots of excitement in our room! Our STOMP dance lessons have started. We can’t wait to show off our skills and talent at our end of year school concert. Look out for our upcoming calendar of events!
We’ve been busy designing our own smoothies for our Design and Technology learning this term. We have also joined the Pen Pal Club and we’ve been busy organising and writing letters to our Pen Pals in South Australia. We think this is a fantastic opportunity for us to practise our letter writing skills!
Mrs Abraham - Class Teacher
This term we are excited about learning our dance for the end of year concert. We have already proved to be fantastic dancers!
We have also had students from Monash University come to teach us 2 Science lessons. The first was about Chemical Science which was a great introduction to our Science unit about the different materials that objects are made of such as plastic, wood and cloth and their properties. The second one was about Biological Science.
In Maths, we have learnt about measuring length using informal units and will be exploring other types of measurement.
In Reading, we have been learning to think more about what we are reading such as how we feel about characters in stories as well as how the information is written in non-fiction texts. We have also learnt about signal words that will help us to identify the difference between fact and opinion.
1L students are all now beginning to prepare for the annual Science Fair Project that is due in a few weeks. Students will need to learn about their topic of interest so that they will be able to explain their findings to others on the presentation day. We hope to see you there!
In Writing, we have been studying how to persuade an audience by using more convincing vocabulary.
1L have composed a book review on the class serial by Enid Blyton that we have been reading since last term. When you read it maybe you will be interested to read it too.
Class Book Review
Molly, Peter and Chinky the pixie, go on some amazing adventures with the wishing chair. They meet some scary monsters and evil witches as well as going to different lands!
Our favourite part was when the visited The Land of Dreams where Molly and Chinky turned into a couple of balloons! It turned out to be all OK in the end.
If you have enjoyed reading Enid Blyton’s other adventure books, you will love reading this one too.
Mrs Lilburne - Class Teacher.
The last term of the year has begun!
We are all excited!
Stomp dance classes have started in preparation for the end of year concert. We are working really hard to perfect our moves. We are all very excited to perform at the concert.
Monash Science students visited our classroom again this term to teach the students about different materials and what they are made of. Students used their five senses to describe the materials. The students were impressed with the two scientists in our classroom.
We have been busy writing persuasive pieces. We have all enjoyed deciding on 3 arguments to support our opinion about a variety of topics.
This week we will begin to write our Australia Post Pen-Pal letters. We have been paired up with a 2/3 class from Babinda P-12 in Queensland and we will share our letters over the next few weeks.
Maths lessons have been filled with fun as we revisit addition and subtraction problems. This week we will begin learning about chance and probability.
The Science topic this term is ‘Melting Moments’ where we will be investigating solids and liquids and how things change when heated up and cooled down. We have also chosen a science investigation to work on for the next 3 weeks in preparation for the Science Fair.
Reading groups are moving along successfully. Everyone is working towards their individual reading goals. Students have enjoyed ‘Literature Circles’ where we all read the same book and everyone has a role to play when discussing interesting parts of the text.
We have had a great start to the term. Thanks to all the 2/3M students.
Mrs McPhie - Class Teacher.
The start of term 4 has been so busy!!
We have been working on persuasive writing to convince our readers of our point of view. We have revised addition and subtraction in maths and have just started chance. We have been playing fun games to test our understanding of chance, using playing cards and dice. The weather has been so beautiful we have even done some learning outside in the sun!
We have been lucky enough to have some science students from Monash University visit and conduct science experiments with us. We learnt about the planets and their position from the sun, and we even worked in the science lab to extract DNA from strawberries!
This week in science we observed different substances melting, such as butter, chocolate, ice cream, icy piles and candles. We sat outside and let the sun do its job.
Finally, the most exciting thing to happen this term is the new playground is now open! We have waited all year for this and now our classrooms are filled with the beautiful melodies from the playground instruments!
The rest of the term will be jam packed with learning and upcoming events such as a visit to the Yakult Factory in Dandenong.
Ms Naylor - Class Teacher
It has been a fun start to the term for grade 4/5B.
The grade 5’s had Gala day in the first week, once again showing their keen attitude and outstanding sportsmanship. STOMP started last week and will continue on Wednesdays until our concert later this term. Students were dancing their hearts out and showing off their moves on their first practise. We look forward to lots more fun throughout the term.
We have been lucky to have visits from Monash University students who have presented different topics to our students. Grade 4/5B enjoyed ‘Extracting DNA From Strawberries’. Our budding scientists learnt a lot about DNA whilst having lots of fun during this Science Session.
We have kicked off our Integrated Studies topic this term which is Food and Fibre Production and our Science unit, Melting Moments.
Information has been sent home with students regarding our annual school fun run which will be happening again this year on Friday 29th of November. Everyone is encouraged to come to school in white as we will be running an obstacle course as well as a colour run. It will be lots of fun so create your student profile page and raise some money for Carwatha College P-12.
Ms Bishop - Class Teacher.
Grade 5W had a busy start to our last term of 2019.
During Integrated Studies, we have started the topic Food and Fibre. We had a scrumptious shared lunch in the second week back where we enjoyed experiencing each other’s cultural foods.
We have been lucky enough to have students from Monash University come out and teach us some science lessons. We learnt about the order of the planets in our solar system and how to extract the DNA of a strawberry.
Our Maths focus this term is multiplication and division skills and measuring volume and capacity.
In Literacy, we are working in small groups to write persuasive speeches to share with the other grades.
We have also begun practising for Stomp in preparation for the end of year concert.
Ms Warburton - Class Teacher.
The past few school weeks have been very exciting for students in 6E. Many of the students attended the school camp to DOXA in Malmsbury. Those who went on camp participated in many activities.
Students challenged themselves by climbing an enormous rock wall or by seeing how high they were prepared to go on the giant swing. They also had the opportunity to see how straight their aim was by learning how to use a bow and arrow in archery. When they were not participating in the organised activities, students had the chance to bounce on the trampolines, or to have dodgeball battles in the Gaga Pit.
The biggest challenge of all though, was the hike which occurred on our third day at camp. Students woke bright and early and we tidied our cabins before we headed off. The hike took us along the Goldfields Track and, for those who managed the full distance was somewhere between 10 -12km. Following the hike, students set up tents and had dinner around a camp fire. We toasted marshmallows and then headed off to sleep.
The following morning, students packed the tents up and, after breakfast set off on the next leg of the hike. The morning hike was about 5km and we finished at Vaughan Springs for a BBQ lunch before the tired, but happy campers boarded the bus ready to head back to school.
This term began with students participating in their final Gala Day for the year. The students all did their best and as usual displayed excellent sportsmanship. Students were also busy planning a dish to bring along to a multicultural feast, which we were using to launch our Integrated Studies unit for this term.
Our focus for the term is Food and Fibre and we will be looking at what it takes to produce our food. We had the most fantastic range of foods from many different cultures, from Bosnian Pita to Asian Dumplings; from Aussie Fairy Bread and Meat pies to Burmese Jellies; Biriyani Rice to Kebab and Turkish Bread, from Fried Rice to Swiss Roll; from Afghan Rice to Satay Chicken. The selection was amazing and our tastebuds were well and truly tantalised. Not a single student went home hungry.
Last Wednesday students began rehearsing their STOMP dance for the school concert. It was great to see all of the students actively participating.
This will be a very busy term for the students as there are lots of events that are special to them. They will be having their Orientation Day for their Secondary Schools in December, along with the school concert and their graduation ceremony and excursion. We will be spending quite a bit of time preparing for all of these exciting events.
Mrs Elias - Class Teacher
6Z has made an excellent start to term 4. We have just completed our multi-cultural feast. A big thank you to families for helping students prepare meals to bring and share. The students had an amazing experience trying different delicious foods from a variety of cultures.
Term 4 is jam packed, starting with Stomp, students have already began rehearsing, and they have shown great focus in practising the routine.
Our maths focus for this term is multiplication and division as well as volume and capacity. In writing we have been looking at creating highly persuasive pieces that focuses on current topics that are relevant. Students are working in teams to compile a detailed persuasive oral presentation to present to their peers.
In science students have been actively experimenting with solids, liquids and gases to discover their properties. The year 6’s also have graduation to look forward to. This term is sure to be a highly memorable one for grade 6’s.
Mr Surendra - Class Teacher
Grade 2, 3 4 Tabloid Sport fun
Students worked hard in sport to achieve their goal of "being active for every minute in every activity". We have been learning about the benefits of physical activity for health and well being. Well done grade 2,3 and 4!
Mrs Peters - Primary Pe Teacher
On the 24th of October 10 students from years 5 and 6 went to Silverton Primary School to compete in the Greater Dandenong Primary Volleyball Division Finals. We were up against Westall Primary School for the division title, in which the students fought hard to come runners up in a 2 set match. The students played terrific and displayed great sportsmanship, Congratulations!