Early Years Specialist


In Science this term, our focus will be around Earth & Space Sciences, with a specific focus on daily and seasonal changes in our environment, including the weather and how this affects our everyday life.



We will be conducting Science using a similar structure to last term, whereby students are engaged in small group activities guided by an adult.



We are always keen for parent volunteers in Science (Thursdays 2pm - 3pm). If you are interested please do not hesitate to contact us via the details below. Please ensure you have the necessary police clearance.




Kind regards,



Andrew Morris & Michelle Harous





TERM 2 –MAY 2015

This term the students will engage in activities where they will interact with their peers to introduce themselves (Με λένε... Είμαι αγόρι/κορίτσι) and use simple language to exchange greetings, farewells and express thanks.


They will participate in class routines and activities, including following instructions and taking turns.ey will also participate in guided group activities such as games, songs and simple tasks using movement, gesture and pictures to support meaning.


Vocabulary will include the numbers, colours and parts of the body.


In German lessons, students use language in context through familiar routines, games, songs and repetition. They exchange greetings and information making connections between English and German. This term we will revisit vocabulary introduced in first term and use the topic of Tiere (animals) to introduce new language structures and concepts. Please encourage your child(ren) to tell you about what they have been learning in German. See what they can teach you! I have asked them to practice using their manners. Find out how to say Thank you in German?



Frau Libby Edwards (Mon-Wed) LA1, LA2 AND LA4)





 Frau Alisha Fox (Tues) LA3 and LA5
