Reception Curriculum News


(previously known as SOSE -Studies of Society and Environment)

Last term we enjoyed inquiring about “What is school?” and “How can I be the happiest, healthiest me?”  The children have been very successful at settling into school life and following daily routines demonstrating their enjoyment and sheer love for learning. This term we continue to develop our inquiry about ‘How can I be the happiest, healthiest me?’ focusing on healthy eating and culminating in a Keeping Ourselves Healthy Excursion on Tuesday, 26th May. 



As part of our Healthy Eating and Physical Activity program the children eat a healthy snack and then learn to move their body. Children are encouraged to choose a healthy snack from their lunch boxes including fruit, vegetables, cheese and yogurt.  Please remember to provide a manageable amount of food to eat, e.g an apple the size of your child’s hand.

The children then participate in a ‘Fit in Five’ dance routine. This is a five minute movement routine where the children stretch, bend, shimmy, side step and learn new dance moves. It is great for their gross motor skills and best of all, it keeps them fit!

This term we will also be introducing a fundamental movement skill circuit where the children learn techniques such as forward roll, over hand throw, hopping and balancing.


Students have access to a number of forms of IT throughout the day. During discovery time they can work on a number of different apps on the iPad where they can consolidate skills in many curriculum areas such as Maths(number recognition, shape recognition, patterning, addition), English (phonological awareness, letter formation, reading skills) The Arts, Health and Social Sciences. This term we will also be using Photo Babble where students are able to take photos and record their voices to caption the photos. 

Students work on the interactive whiteboard daily. We use a Jolly Phonics program and students are able to work independently and in groups to identify sounds, build words, listen to songs and practice letter formation. The interactive whiteboard is also a useful tool to view short You-Tube videos. Particular favourites among the Receptions are "The Big Number Song" and "Shape Song 2". They are easy to find if you want to give them a go at home.


Families often ask for recommendations of apps they can use at home. There are many quality apps as well as many poor quality ones so choose carefully. We would recommend both "Letter School" and "Pocket Phonics".

In Letter School  "kids play to learn how to write all the letters of the alphabet : abc and xyz and the numbers 1-10. Kids practice essential skills as they play four exciting games per letter or number." (Apps Store).

Pocket Phonics "teaches kids letter sounds 

Students also work first words and handwriting". (Apps Store)

Students have access to these apps at school so we are simply making a recommendation, they are not essential to have a home. Below is a picture of the icons as they appear on the app store for your reference.


This term in design and technology will continue to provide open ended materials (boxes, glue, sticky tape etc) for construction during Discovery Time for students to design and create. This term we will also work with clay and wire in order to further develop the students skills and allow for new discoveries. By working with a variety of media children can express their thoughts and ideas in many different ways.