Mellor 1/2- Maths


There are two main areas Year 1 and 2 students will develop skills and understandings this term.  These are: number and algebra and measurement.


Number and algebra Students will continue refine and develop their understanding about how numbers work - their position and value through a range of various activities and posed problems which they have to solve.  Students soon realise that counting all every time can be made quicker if you put/draw things in groups such as 2’s, 5’s or 10’s.  This is the beginning of skip counting which leads to formal multiplication.  Another way that shows groups of objects and the connection to each other is through arrays.  










This example this shows the similarities of 3 fives and 5 threes.

X X X X X          X X X



X X X X X          X X X


X X X X X          X X X


                          X X X


                          X X X

Students will continue to develop their understanding of equivalence so they can realise that 2 five cents equals 10c, or 5 twenties means the same as $1.  They will also become more aware that the position of a number can change its value.  For example the value of 5 in each of these numbers 15, 156, 501 is decided by the position it is in the number line.



Measurement Students will be looking at wide variety of measuring things.  These include: 

Length – how long, high and wide things are (standard measures are milimetres, metres, centimetres, kilometres)

Capacity and volume – how much a container can hold (standard measures are millilitre, litre, kilolitre) 

Mass – the amount of matter contained in an object.  The use of word weight is no longer used. (standard measures are gram, kilogram, tonne)


Area – the amount or size of a surface (standard measures are in square units)

Time – passing of time including telling the time of half past, quarter hour, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, seasons, decades, century and millennium.


Year 1 students will compare the length and capacity of pars of objects using uniform informal units.  Year 2 students will compare and order larger groups of objects, and if ready, will be introduced to the formal standard measures.