Junior School

Head of Junior School


Head of Junior School


Oakleigh Central – Junior School Choir Performance

On Thursday 7 December, the Junior School Choir performed Christmas carols and songs at Oakleigh Central Shopping Centre.


The performance took place in the afternoon outside Woolworths, in front of an enthusiastic crowd of shoppers and members of our School community. Our Year 2 – Year 5 choristers entertained the crowd with their beautiful and angelic voices, to celebrate the upcoming Christmas season. 


Over the years, the Junior School Choir has performed in front of a wide-range of audiences, such as Carols in The Park at Warrawee Park in Oakleigh, The Glendi, and at other school events like assemblies and school concerts.


We look forward to many more performances by our students in the near future, and a huge final thank you to Mrs Des Maramis for conducting our Junior School Choir each year.


Prep Fractions Party

On Thursday 30 November the Preps had an exciting fractions party to celebrate all their hard work and learning throughout the unit.


The students brought in food that was divided into equal parts to represent fractions such as a half, third, quarter or eighth. We utilised the language developed throughout the unit to discuss and share our discoveries.


The students were very excited to apply their knowledge and understandings in a real-life context. 

Michaela (Prep F): “Did you know that 1/1 and 2/2 is the same as a whole?”

 Frankie (Prep F): “Did you know that one quarter and three quarters is four quarters or a whole?”

 Athena (Prep F): “When we cut the pizza into 8 pieces and ate 4 slices half the pizza was left.” 


Thank You to Our  Parent Helpers

Assisting in the classroom is always under the direction of the classroom teacher by either working with small groups of children, providing a role model for learning, and helping with literacy or numeracy. You are a huge valued member of the school community.


Your support in the classroom ensures that children remain on task while the teacher is working with other groups, and your willingness to assist in classroom activities shows other parents what can be achieved when partnerships are formed.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your assistance this year, and we hope to see you around the school again next year.


Art Club

Art Club is a very popular lunch time activity in the Junior School and students are very enthusiastic and creative, eager to take part with Kathy Vlahos and Marita Halkiadakis every week.


“It’s been such a fun and productive year watching their confidence, creativity and skills grow, and I look forward to bigger and better things next year”- Marita Halkiadakis


Thank you so very much to our volunteers in the art rooms and for Art Club. Read more.


Year 5 Graduation

Another year has passed, and again Year 5 classes have graduated from Junior School to Middle School. All the hard work of the students has been celebrated at this event, and all the students were presented with a graduation gift from the Parent’s Association and a Middle School badge. 


The musical items were sensational, and Fr. George gave a lovely prayer to our graduating classes for the next phase in their educational journey. It was a very successful afternoon, enjoyed by all and organised so well by the students and Year 5 teachers, and Mrs. Sarah Caffrey.


We wish the graduated class of 2017 all the best for their move to the Middle School in 2018.


Junior School Happenings

Our New Leaders in 2018

Year 2 Science in School Visit

Prep Paramedic in School Visit

Package Free Lunch Ideas

Healthy Harold Visits the ELC


Final Words for 2017

Congratulations to all the students, teachers, parents and fellow administrators for successfully completing the 2017 academic year.


Under the theme of resilience, the entire yearly curriculum, co-curricular activities, excursions and in school visits, academic rigour and global projects were integrated into the theme.  As well as throughout our process to become the first and only Independent School with Lighthouse Status for The Leader in Me. Read more.


To the children and families departing us, we wish you all the very best for the future. We will have some new faces in 2018 across the Junior School, and I look forward to introducing them to you. 


We have some end of year upcoming events to be aware of and the final day for Junior School is Wednesday 13 December.