PFA Report

Welcome Back To Term 1 2020

The holiday break is over, and we are back and ready for an exciting first Term of 2020.  We will have lots of fun activities planned for the children throughout the year. These will be finalised once we have our first meeting of 2020. As always, we look forward to the support of the parents and families of Lyndhurst Primary School, to make this another fantastic year of fundraising for the school.

Bunnings BBQ

Our first event that is booked in for the 1st of March 2020 is our annual Bunnings BBQ. If there are any parents who could spare a couple of hours on the day, the stall runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. generally with 2 hour shifts.


If you would like to come down and support the school on that Sunday, just send a message to the email below or give a call to the school to leave your name with the office. Thank you to everyone who has already volunteer their time. . We will be getting the roster up shortly on the parent helpers page.


If you would like to be added to the parent helpers Facebook page, and can spare a few hours, when school events are running, please let us know and you will be added.

Second Hand Uniform Stall

The Second Hand Uniform Stall will be running regularly in the first week of every month in 2020.


The next stall will be held on Tuesday 11th February (from 8.30-9.00am and in the afternoon from 3.15-3.45pm).  We will still be outside the school gym near the canteen area.


If anyone has any uniforms they would like to donate to the school, please hand them to the office when school recommences. All clothes must be clean, without holes and able to be worn.

PFA Email Address

The PFA have a permanent email address, which parents can use to communicate with the PFA. If you have any questions or comments, or you wish to become involved in the PFA, please email us at Send us an email or speak to the office staff who will put you in contact with a member of the committee.

PFA Meeting

The next PFA meeting will be held in the school staff room on a date that is yet to be decided. Everyone will be informed of the date once finalised. All parents are invited to attend and participate in the PFA’s fundraising for the year.


If there are any parents that are unable to make it to the meeting but have ideas on some fabulous new ideas for the fundraising for the school, please remember that you are always welcome to send through your suggestions to the PFA email address above and we will certainly discuss them at the next monthly meeting.


We look forward to your support in 2020

PFA (Parents and Friends Association)