30 Year Reunion

Class of 1988
On 24 February some 40 women wound their way through the still familiar corridors of Kilbreda’s old buildings, gathering together to mark the ‘class of 88’ 30 year reunion. The afternoon began in the old chapel, catching up with familiar faces and reconnecting with old friends. After some short formalities we all set off for a guided tour of the school. Many changes have taken place over the 30 years but there were still enough familiar buildings to assist in the reminiscing, as we wandered, laughed and recalled all our fond memories.
After our tour we were taken up the tower, took some photos and caught up with some of our fantastic teachers who made an effort to come and share in the afternoon. Many continued the evening at the local RSL for dinner.
Whilst I personally had some reluctance to go along, I was so glad I did. It’s amazing how quickly many of us re-connected and caught up on our lives, families and careers. Thanks to all those involved in the organisation of a great afternoon.
Tania Whittaker nee Connolly
Like Sam Malone in the fictitious bar “Cheers”, walking into Kilbreda College on Sat 24 Feb 2018 was like walking into a bar where everybody knew your name. Well, once you had your name badge on anyway!
There weren’t any Norms holding up the bar (that happened later at the RSL), but we did have some bubbly blonde “Diannes” floating around the place.
Prior to arriving at the college, I actually wasn’t too fussed about meeting at the school, but what an inspired piece of scheduling it was. Talk about a walk down memory lane, with so many familiar faces around me. And finally, we got to go up that tower! I think I heard a few hips creak and muscles groan as we all ducked our heads climbing up the vertiginous stairs.
And then it was time to move on from the school, just as we did 30 years ago, and travel through time (and a few kms) to the Mentone RSL. I saw some bad dancing, lots of very high selfies being taken, and some discreet questions as to “who is that that just walked in?” I also saw lots of mingling with old friends and acquaintances. Above all though, I saw women who were still out there enjoying life, just as we all hoped we would in those scary times before we stepped out into the world at the end of 1988.
On a slightly less jovial note, for those that don’t hold happy memories of the time they spent at secondary school, I understand why a return to old haunts may not be something they choose to do. I saw something transformational happen though, when I saw one past student explain to another past student how heavily careless words and actions all those years past, had weighed on them. Age and life have gifted us all with wisdom though, and this situation had a happy ending for everyone.
So go on, whether you were one of those rebellious types at school, a cool girl, a square, a nerd, a tough girl, had big hair, short hair, were picked on, did the picking on, was a teacher’s pet, spent all your lunch times in the library or out chatting to friends, after 30 years there is more that brings us together than sets us apart.
Thanks to Juliana Boron and Jo Beaufort for coordinating the event (oh, and dropping me in to writing this article), and Denise Leonard and Maree Clarke for chaperoning us while we were at the college. You’ve got my vote for our 40 year reunion!
Paula Treacy