1 Year Reunion

Class of 2017

On Friday 27 April committee members of the Past Pupils’ Network hosted an event for the members of the Class of 2017.


More than 60 former students attended and were welcomed back to the College by Ms Sue Dempster, their Level Coordinator for three years, Ms Nicole Mangelsdorf, Co-Principal who reminded them that they will always be welcome to return to Kilbreda, and Denise Leonard, Chair Past Pupils’ Network who welcomed them as the newest group of Past Pupils.

There was a great deal of happy chatter and laughter as stories of what has taken place since the VCE exams, holidays, new courses of study, employment and social 'chit chat' were exchanged. Many took the opportunity, as the newest group of Past Pupils, to purchase a Past Pupils’ Tower Plaque, a permanent, tangible reminder of their time at Kilbreda.


We hope to see them at many more Past Pupils’ events.


Denise Leonard

Past Pupils' Network Committee Chairperson