From the Co-Principals

The gifting of Kilbreda College from the Brigidine Sisters to Kildare Ministries
Tuesday 1 May marked a significant time in the history of Kilbreda College with the entrusting of the stewardship of Kilbreda College to Kildare Ministries from the Brigidine Sisters. This signifies a change in the role of the Brigidine Sisters, who had the vision to establish their first metropolitan school on this site in 1904, from one of responsibility and governance to one of accompaniment. A large gathering of Brigidine Sisters, representatives of Kildare Ministries, Kilbreda College Stewardship Council, past Principals and other invited guests, joined Kilbreda staff, students and family members to commemorate this momentous occasion. Many of the Brigidine Sisters shared stories of their time on staff at Kilbreda over the years.
As all past pupils of Kilbreda know, the ‘lamp of learning’ is significant in Brigidine schools, representing illumination that education brings to the hearts and minds of young people. Symbolic of the deep commitment to the education of young people that has been and will continue over the generations, Sr Helen Toohey, the last Brigidine Principal of Kilbreda, carried forward the lamp of learning, passing it to Virginia Ryan (Past Pupil 1946-1971). The lamp was then passed down through another two generations of Kilbreda students, being Virginia’s daughter and granddaughters, Fiona Carter (1985-1990), Ellie Carter (Year 9/K4) and Claire Carter who will join our College in Year 7 next year. With each passing on of the lamp a commitment to continue to live the Brigidine values imbued within this college community was made. As Claire, who represented the future students of the College, received the lamp she read, ‘This lamp will burn for future generations, passing on the spirit of Strength and Kindliness. We will treasure this gift.’
As the Trustees of Kildare Ministries accept responsibility for the stewardship of Kilbreda College into the future, we honour and pay our respects to all Brigidine Sisters who, with a deep commitment to the service of others and the teachings of Jesus, have governed the College since 1904 and educated thousands of young women and some young men! We are indebted to the legacy of these courageous women, their generosity of spirit and their welcome to all.
We are now a part of the evolving and unfolding Kildare Ministries story. As a College community, both past and present, we each have a significant role and responsibility to ensure that we honour the past and be open to future possibilities.
We are confident that many past pupils would remember the location of the original school hall that was then transformed into the theatrette. This area of the College, located within the Margaret Mary Bourke building, has undergone a complete transformation to provide a contemporary 400 seat auditorium. This will further enhance Kilbreda’s facilities and learning opportunities for students with a wide range of uses in theatrical and musical performance and for seminars and other presentations. The project is nearing completion and we extend our sincere thanks to those of you who sponsored one or more seats within the auditorium. We look forward to welcoming you to the official opening and our 2018 junior musical, Beauty and the Beast, in the months ahead!
Nicole Mangelsdorf and Teresa Lincoln